Blog Archives
April 17, 2001
Today's Sun One Homa ceremonies were full of samskaras.... sacraments performed for little ones. Sivajnani Nagapppan has come from Malaysia to join his wife, Amala and their little boy Yajatadeva. The fortunate child receives a blessing from Gurudeva: sandalwood paste on the head after Sivajnani had shaved the head.
Title: Marriage Compatibility |
Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee inquires about the physical, mental and emotional compatibility in a marriage. Gurudeva says that the astrological compatibility of the couple tells us the physical and emotional compatibility of the couple plus the karmas of the future.
Title: Marriage Compatibility
Category: Relationships
Length: 1 min., 58 seconds
Date Given: 04/11/2001
Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.
Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami
Click here if you have a question Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters. |
transcription begins
Date: April_05_2001
Title: Organ Donation at Death
Category: Karma
Duration: 1 min., 17 seconds
Date Given: March 21, 2001
A cyberspace devotee, Arumugam Muniandi from Malaysia, mentions that he thought donating organs at death would be a very good karma. "But how does that stop our soul from going into higher realms?"
It may be a good karma for the person who gets one of your organs. But, it will certainly keep you earthbound, attached to the person who is using your former heart, kidney, etc.
Earthbound means living in the Preta Loka, which is the duplicate of this external world that you see with your two eyes and going through all the karmas that the person who is using your organ is going through and experiencing all the experiences that he or she would be experiencing. It would not be a happy situation, if it was an unhappy person that bought one of your organs.
Now you will probably ask, "How do you get out of a messy situation like that?"
Well, you would just have to be earthbound in the Preta Loka until that person passed on. Then, you would be free to soar to higher planes and perhaps, get a very good birth.
transcription ends
Sitting before the fire, Yajatadeva received both his Namakarana Samskara -- Name-Giving ceremony -- and his Karnaveda -- Ear-Boring. Here his father reads aloud the declaration of the child's name that goes with the Name Giving ceremony:
The father says the following three times in the childs right ear:
"Oh child, thou art born of the family of Nagappan
So thy name is also Nagappan
And thy given name is Yajatadeva."
Now the father says three times so all can hear:
"Oh Divine Ones, we beseech your blessings,
In the sacramental name-giving of this Saivite Hindu soul.
We vow to raise this child according
To the principles of the Sanatana Dharma."
"Please bless this child,
Whose family name is Nagappan
And whose given name is Yajatadeva."
Sivajnani writes the name of his son in a tray of rice with the kusha grass:
Next, the ear boring. The golden ear-rings are said to bring health to the child.
Gurudeva blesses the fortunate little boy.
Performance of "Samskaras" is considered an obligatory duty for Hindus... making sure that the transitions in life are sanctified in a temple before the sacred fire. By putting such positive impressions into a child's mind, a solid foundation is created for his or her future spiritual life.
Following the ceremonies everyone gathers on San Marga. The little boy has lots of "ammas and aunties" to take care of him. The value of extended family, especially for the ladies, is a big support group for the young mother. Much different from the sadly unsupportive young mother of today's nuclear families who struggle alone to raise their child.
Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today! |
Stone wrapping in Bangalore.... we are happy to announce that Visa petitions for the silpi workers are progressing well. Soon a diplomatic pouch will leave Washington D.C. bound for Chennai where the US Embassy there will be ready to send our artisans to Kauai.
Crated stones ready for loading.
Actually at this time all the stones are already loaded in the containers and have already been shipped from India!
These stones are on the high seas and scheduled to arrive in Hawaii on May 12th. That's less than 1 month away!
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa
Recently, disciples of Gurudeva Gathered at the dharmasala and Spiritual Park to receive instructions and begin to take a very active part in managing and enlivening that center. Here we have the elders of the elders of Gurudeva's Saiva Siddhanta Church of Mauritius, the 8 kulapatis (heads of extended spiritual families), Saivism's movers in their country. Left to right, Kulapati Mooneenagen Koothan, Kulapati Mootoosamy Pareatumbee, Kulapati Manogaran Mardemootoo, Kulapati Anba Dayananden Valayten, Kulapati Kulagan Moonesawmy, Kulapati Parmesh Pallanee, and Kulapati Souria Kumaren Moorghen. Kulapati Rajen Manick is also part of the team but couldn't make it for today's photo.
And here are six of the eight kulamatas (spouses of the kulapatis), spiritually mature and powerful ladies who mostly behind the scenes, but also sometimes in the forefront (organizing and teaching classes in positive parenting, for example), do all they can to perpetuate and preserve dharma in a wonderful way. Jai to the great Matas of our faith! Left to right, Kulamata Oomavadee Pallanee, Kulamata Poospawadee Koothan, Kulamata Saroja Valayten, Kulamata Sornumbal Mardemootoo, Kulamata Seedha Lutchmee Moonesawmy, and Kulamata Moilavadee Moorghen. Kulamata Saranamuta Pareatumbee and Kulamata Premila Manick are also part of the Kulamata group but couldn't make it today.
This beautiful couple, Mr. and Mrs. Adi Sankara Perumal, attended parts of the same gathering. They came mostly to meet the dedicated souls they aspire to join one day, and toward which end they are working diligently. When he was just nine years old, Mr. Perumal happened upon the very first literature of Gurudeva ever to be printed in Mauritius (the old Catechisme et Credo, 1983). At that young age, he was immediately taken with Gurudeva's teachings. Recently he married the very spiritual Donnanathi and together they now wish to officially become students and then full disciples of Gurudeva. They have both studied music in India, are accomplished performers and teach at the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Mauritius. Jai!
12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries and One Chance in a Lifetime! Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.