Blog Archives
January 21, 2001
A photo taken today of Gurudeva who says: "We are turning this time into a boon by focusing now many hours a day on Living with Siva editing. You will find it to be a wonderful book!"
Yogaswami, while he soared high in the heights of contemplation, was also intensely active in the lives of those few devotees who came to him with all sincerity and dedication. He would often write letters to such as these. Here is one:
"Dearly loved Kandan,
This is the message of this humble self. Know thou, the resting place of this lowly self is the shelter of each being's heart, the shade of the trees and the junctions.
Heed the word of the seer:
"First resolve and then act. It is ignoble
To retract after resolution."
Title: Temple Protocol. Mantra Revealed |
Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee from Malaysia wonders which side should the
men and women stand in the temple. Gurudeva says that the men should stand on the right and the women on the left and this relates to the ida and pingala forces because the temple itself is like a one body. In today's second
question posed to Gurudeva, Gurudeva advices a cyber cadet who
inadvertently revealed a sacred mantra to a relative.
Cybertalk Ends"
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Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.
A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.
transcription begins
Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_19_2001
Title: Drugs as a Spiritual Stimulant, Kumbha Mela, Spiritual Unfoldment and College
Category: The Spiritual Path
Duration: 2 min., 57 seconds
Date Given: January 18, 2001
A cyberspace devotee in Colorado wonders about mind-altering drugs or natural substances that in most countries are illegal.
To be a true Saivite, you don't want to depend on any kind of stimulant or drug to bring you close to Siva. Because, you are already close to Siva. Siva is the life of your life, the breath of your breath. All the prana within your body is coming right from Siva.
So we always advise, let illegal drugs remain illegal. Don't break the law. Be on the right side of the law and you are on the right side of your conscience. That helps spiritual unfoldment.
A cyberspace devotee in Chicago wonders about the Kumbha Mela, that is happening in Varanasi, India, where ten million people or more are coming to the Ganges to bathe.
This is a festival that is held every 12 years. It is a chance for everyone to meet the millions of sadhus and holy men and partake of their wisdom. It is a chance for the sadhus and holy men also to give of their wisdom, back to society that has allowed them to become sadhus and holy men. It is a very auspicious festival. It is the world's largest human gathering. Read about it in our next issue of 'Hinduism Today'. We are having satellite pictures taken of this magnificent event.
A cyberspace devotee in Farmington, Michigan asks, "Does going to a prestigious college help in raising the kundalini force?"
Well, this is a very good question and thank you for asking it.
It is a problem with all religions, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism. They send their young men and women to college as good religious Jewish people, good religious Hindu people, good religious Muslims, who come out the other end of it as atheists.
No, learning existentialism and all of these Western philosophies certainly does not lead to spiritual unfoldment. Atheistic philosophies really are a deterrent to the spiritual path.
transcription ends
V. Iyer and Anu from San Jose, California came to worship after hearing about the monastery and temple from friends.
Here is V. Muthusamy, wife Ramani, and son Venkatharaman also from the Bay Area who are devotees of the Palaniswami Temple in Concord. Muthusamy and Ramani are on Kauai to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary.
Sadhaka Nilakantha, one of our stalwart Siddhidata Kulam team. Looking good as the team does, from working outside in the sunshine and fresh air all day. Sadhaka says, "We have been running the irrigation pumps on Muruga Hill and that layer of seed has sprouted and we now have a low carpet of green grass and sprouting wildflowers. . .in a week or so we will take a picture for you all."
The famous "antherium" flower. They develop well here in the shade but are rather shy of being exposed to direct sunlight overly long. Even our Malaysian task forcers who live just a few degrees off the equator say that our Kauai sun can be "very sharp"-- even stronger than at home. Magnificent in color, exquisitely formal in shape, lasting long in the vase, the heart-shaped flower is a popular one and a hot item among the commercial flower growers.
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai
We continue on with picture from recent festival activities at the carving site in Bangalore. Here begins the "pada puja" which is the formal ceremony done for the Guru. When not physically present a pair of his sandals is worshipped.
Thuraisingam says: "Our supervisor, Sundaramachari is assisting with the tiruvadi puja by
ringing the bell."
My father is doing Tiruvadi puja. I am helping him. My brother Senthil is behind the camera, taking the digital photos.
Abhishekam is in progress. (bathing of the sandals with water, milk, honey and other substances.)
Chidambaram, our resident sthapati (chief architect/master craftsman) is looking on at the Tiruvadi (Holy Feet) abhishekam.
This is C. Karupiah, he one of the silpis who has been selected to go to Kauai to begin the work of erecting the temple.
This is silpi, P. R. Supramani who works as a blacksmith and also does stone carving too. He wrote two poems in Tamil in praise of Gurudeva which he read to the silpis after the puja.
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa
We continue with the story of the monks visit to the kumbhabhishekam of the
Kylasson temple in Port Louis. Here is the newly constructed Rajagopuram,
temple entrance tower. Lots of good karma goes to the wealthy businessman
who financed it, we are sure.
A closeup of the gaily painted images on the face of the tower.
At the high point of the ceremony the specialy charged water in the kumbha
pots is poured over the top of the temple tower. Water and flowers are
scattered on the crowd below.
This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.
"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma
Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.
Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.
12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!
Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.
Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.
Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.
For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.
Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.
Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.