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Blog Archives

Here is a wonderful picture of Gurudeva during last year's Guru Purnima celebrations.

Yogaswami says in this wonderful song to Lord Siva:


In the expansive firmament is the Father and mother.
In the expansive firmament is the soul of existence.
In the expansive firmament is the elemental forces five.
In the expansive firmament do I too dwell.

Deep within me I see the microcosm and macrocosm.
My innate self I see as macrocosm and microcosm.
Yet my intrinsic Self sees not the microcosm and macrocosm.
I permeate both macrocosm and microcosm.

The peerless One who is Father, Mother and Guru,
He fosters me as in me He dwelleth.
The Primal One absolves me from past deeds.
Him I come to know and merge in Love with Him.

He's ambrosia in the hearts of hoary saints,
Bliss eternal and ever immortal.
He's the balm that heals the burns of finitude.
Freed from affliction sore, I awaken to Reality.

He's the immaculate One, with and without Form.
He's my Guru who willeth to make me His own.
Above the sway of the twenty four principles, (Tattwas)
He alone prevails as the efficient creative cause.

He's Effulgence who banished my fears.
He's the Soul of Justice who shuns false hearts.
He's the Alpha of all true religious sects.
His Holy Feet on my head, life indeed is blessed!

The Primal One beyond the sixty four categories,
The magnanimous Radiance that dispels distress,
He's the mediator who showed grace to sage Agastya.
My unsullied heart is His favourite abode.

The Consort of the tender Sakti takes His abode
In the inner shrine of those who've subdued the senses.
The Essence of Letters five cannot be realised
In the passion-torn minds who perpetuate finitude.

--Natchintanai. 342-343.

Title: Negative vibrations. What is imagination? Give her what she needs.

Category: The Spiritual Path

Duration: 3 min., 58 seconds

Date Given: January 18th, 2000

Date Posted: January_20_2001

Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee asks why she picks up negative conditions
from other people. Gurudeva advices her to be around positive people who
have good thoughts and are uplifting to avoid this. A cyber cadet from
Perak, Malaysia wonders what is imagination. Gurudeva says imaginaton are
images created in the mind and advises him to make positive images in his
mind that are beneficial. A cyber devotee in California wants more
clarification on Gurudeva's advice on giving the wife everything that she
wants and everything that she needs. He asks what if she is abusive?
Gurudeva says that it is the husband who has taken her into his life and
therefore he must see to her needs and wants in order for them to have a
happy life together and perhaps sometime in the past her needs were not met
thus she is abusive now.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_15_2001
Title: Sacred leaves for pada puja, Should one have a Guru who is alive?, Is everything that happens good?
Category: Hinduism and Tradition
Duration: 3 min., 33 seconds
Date Given: January 11, 2001

A cyberspace devotee in Johar Baharu, Malaysia wants to know if, "While doing a Pada Puja, Puja to the Feet of the Guru, is it all right to use sacred leaves like bilva leaves?"

While doing Pada Puja to your Guru, using bilva leaves is wonderful. Fruit juices, flowers, unbroken saffron rice, all the beautiful things. Because, what are you doing? You are creating a wonderful future for yourself by giving respect to the Guru.

A cyberspace devotee in Botswana wants to know on this 11th day of January, 2001, "Can a jnana guru be just as effective if he does not have the physical body, than if he does? Or can we take a guru who doesn't have a physical body as our guru? Or, is it better to have a guru who has a physical body?"

Well, that was a complicated question. But, a very simple answer!

You can hang a picture on the wall and do anything you want to, to that picture. That picture is not going to talk to you. To have a physical guru who can speak with you on the telephone, who can discuss matters with you, who can clear your mind of doubts, who can e-mail you - that is something new, an e-guru - is of a greater benefit than a guru that does not have a physical body. We can't leave this to your imagination. Imagine learning calculus, geometry from a teacher who didn't have a physical body.

Put those two things together, what is better? Teacher with a physical body or a teacher without a physical body?

A question from the state of Virginia on January 11th. "Is everything good? Or, I mean if something bad happens to you, is that also good?"

Well, the answer would be that if something bad happens, you can get a good lesson out of it, so it won't happen again. Because, everything that happens to you is for a reason and the reason is you put it into action in the past, either a past life or sometime in this life, and have forgotten how you did it. In forgetting how you did put this action into motion, it comes at you through other people, through situations that you didn't anticipate at some time.
So, accept your karma cheerfully. That is the mystical way, that is the yoga way, that is the Hindu way. Accept your karma cheerfully. Get the lesson out of the experience.
Get the lesson out of the experience and you can carve a beautiful future for yourself.
transcription ends

Each morning after the early morning puja, the older monks go for their meditation sadhana while our resident guest task force stay in the temple to continue their studies. Sivaneswaran here is doing his daily Merging with Siva reading and sadhana.

Outside on the westside of Kadavul temple is a traditional "side shrine" with Lord Ganesha installed. Everyday a small puja is done.

Our new infrared filter takes a shot from the ground level looking up at palms in the middle of a bright sunny day.

The same shot without a filter. . .this is the entry way to our "courtyard" where all the monks gather for the noon meal.

Bouganvilla flowers are not really flowers at all but tight clusters of colored leaves. But deep inside the cluster you will find an ever so tiny white flower.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

Having completed our "stone ring series" from the Iraivan temple carving site just outside Bangalore India, we turn back to the "human story" of the wonderful village of carvers, their wives, children and our great temple carving site manager family, Jiva, Kanmani Rajasankara and their sons, Sentiladhiban and Thuraisingam.

Thurai is our main photographer and he has sent us this great series of shots from the Jayanthi celebrations and Thai Pongal celebrations.

We begin with the gathering for the Pada Puja.

Thurai says:

Guru Jayanthi celebrations on 5-1-2001 at San Marga Iraivan site. It is
one of the major festivals that is celebrated with the silpis.

Full view of the decorations to Gurudeva's photo before the Tiruvadi

This is a section of the silpis witnessing the Tiruvadi puja.

Another section showing my mother (Mrs. Jiva Rajasankara on the right in purple), Sapna (the little girl) and the silpis.

This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva is in excellent spirits and Acharya Palaniswami says he got up from the table today and went out for a walk leaving his staff behind! He also called the monastery today at lunch as usual and told the monks he was back full swing with his editing schedule, working on Living with Siva both mornings and afternoons. He encouraged all the monks to continue to work diligently on maintaining harmony in all relationships, using the tools of Vasana Daha Tantra to regularly keep the subsconscious mind clear. He said we all want to build up our strength for the big work ahead of us.

Title: Drugs as a spiritual stimulant. Kumbha Mela. Spiritual unfoldment and college.

Category: The Spiritual Path

Duration: 2 min., 57 seconds

Date Given: January 18th 2001

Date Posted: January_19_2001

Cybertalk: A cyber cadet wonders if it is ok to take certain kinds of drugs to help with one's spiritual journey. Gurudeva says that to be a true Saivite one does not want to be dependent any kind of stimulant or drug. Another cyber devotee wonders about the Kumbha Mela and Gurudeva explains that it is a special festival that is held once every 12 years and an opportunity for people to meet millions of sadhus and partake of their wisdom. A cyber cadet asks if going to a prestigious college helps raise the kundalini force. Gurudeva says many good religious men and women of different religions have gone to college and come out as atheists and it certainly did not lead to spiritual unfoldment.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_13_2001
Title: Genetic Engineering, Can one have two Gurus?, How do we get to the astral plane?
Category: Hinduism and Tradition
Duration: 3 min., 40 seconds
Date Given: November 30, 2000

Good morning, everyone! A very interesting question from Amsterdam, Holland. Selvan asked about genetic engineering. He mentions, "You do not mention much in 'Hinduism Today' about genetic engineering."

In 'Hinduism Today' the Hindu International magazine, we try to do in-depth articles. A lot of background study goes in, before we print. We have been studying genetic engineering and your article that you are sending to us, will probably start a series of articles on this subject. There is still a lot of unknown things, such as - how does it affect vegetarianism when animal genes are put into vegetables? We don't yet know. So, we have to do a thorough investigation and get many opinions on the subject before we print a final conclusion.

Selvan, we are very happy you brought up the subject. We are looking forward to seeing your article. We are going to ask all of you in cyberspace who know anything about genetic engineering to e-mail us what you know and where we can find as much information as possible. Send it to letters@hindu.org

A cyberspace devotee in Dallas, Texas wonders if one can have an affinity for two gurus at the same time or could even one have two gurus?

Well, the word guru of course, means teacher. There are teachers of dance, teachers of music. A Satguru is a teacher of the Eternal Truths. Yes, you can have several gurus and learn from them. The guru that benefits you the most over the years, would obviously be your guru.

It is traditional in Sanatana Dharma that a family has allegiance to only one guru. But it takes time to find out who he might be and to mix with his congregation and followers.

A cyberspace devotee in Arizona asks, "How do you get in the astral plane? Do you have to die or can you do it through meditation or sleep?"

The astral world is a duplicate of this physical world that we see with our two eyes. We are more in the astral world than perhaps we realize. Every time you move your physical body, you move the astral body first. When you go to sleep at night, you leave the physical body and are in the astral body visiting family, friends, other people who are in their astral bodies, and people who are in their astral bodies and have no physical body to go back to. You don't remember when you awaken, because the astral brain is a higher vibration, a more refined matter than the physical brain. It takes 3 days or 72 hours or more, for the knowledge gained in the astral world to seep into the physical brain. Therefore, you don't identify.

Those on a spiritual quest go into the astral plane nearly every night, study with great teachers there, mix with other devotees and improve their life.
transcription ends

John and Dotty Whittiker, who live in Kapaa came up the hill to see the monastery today.

They were given a tour of the property by Acharya Ceyonswami, Sadhaka Thondunatha and Nutanaya, along with Carol Bockman (in the hat) from Santa Cruz, who is celebrating her 70th birthday on Kauai with her sister Dorothy Venolia from Sacramento. Dorothy has been coming every year to Kauai for over 20 years.

Taking some new shots of monks to upgrade our web site. . .this is a great shot of Tejadeva.

And Sivakatirswami. . .oh well, better take those glasses off.

It's ashram sadhana time of day when the monks take care of cleaning this and that. Thambynathan Nutanaya is working on the walks that daily fill with leaves from all kinds of overhanging trees.

This is the lovely gold plated statue of Siva Yogaswami our beloved Parama Guru. He left a rare collection of songs and sayings which comprise a spiritual heritage of unparalleled depth and magnitude. Two of these statues were prepared years ago and Gurudeva sent one of them off on a world wide yatra saying, "Yogaswami is going on a mission to visit all the Sri Lankan Immigrant communities around the world and one day he will return to Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He will take care of his own expenses and guide the trip and bless everyone. He is working closely with us all on the inside."

The small gold plated statue was shipped off first to Toronto, Rochester New York, Lancaster California, Edmonton, Canada, Vancouver Canada and now he is on his way to Germany, where there are big plans for some giant celebrations upon his arrival.

Yogaswami says:

"In the sanctum of our hearts, we shall find the Lord of Grace
showering His bounty as a great Giver.

All Hail Namasivaya!"

"Fix the heart on God with love, the mind on His word with
love, the hands upon His work with love, and then will unfold
in the heart, the radiance of the knowledge of the Self, the
SivaSakti, the dynamic and luminous presence.
All Hail Namasivaya !"

(Tamil Script)
--Natchintanai. 79.

Gurudeva wishes to thank everyone who sent and continue to send all the beautiful gifts for his birthday and all the wonderful cards, emails and kind thoughts of healing for his recovery from the back injury. We thought this one particularly photo worthy, completely hand done with a detail that you can't see in this photo, inside it says, from one of the bright young people in California:

"Karma Cat is my name
And healing is my game!"

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

We come to the end of our "rings of stone" documentary showing you finished pieces.

This photo shows the chain hanging from the sunshade (kodungai). This particular chain along with the sunshade was carved out of a single stone !

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

The sadhaka attended the kumbhabhishekam (once-every-twelve-years temple
recharging) ceremony of the Arulmigu Sockalingum Meenatchee Ammen Tirukovil
today. It is commonly known as Le Temple Kaylassum or Kylasson, for short.
Standing on a 13-acre plot in the heart of the capital, it is regarded as
the most important temple for the Hindus of Tamil origin. It is also one of
the architectural and historical landmarks of Port Louis. (Construction
began in 1854 and was completed in 1860.)

Recently the temple has undergone a rupees 10 million renovation and
construction of a new Rajagopuram (temple entrance tower.) Workers from Sri
Lanka, Tamil Nadu and Mauritius participated in the project. The temple
looks and feels brand new on the inside. Outside, of course, it retains its
colonial charm.

Here's Sadhaka Adinatha in front of the rajagopuram. More photos tomorrow.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva on Jayanthi Day, January 5th.

Yogaswami relates the words of his Guru, Sage Chellappaswami:


[The All Powerful Great Sayings]

'Detach, and in attachment, see detachment,
Espouse righteous living with awareness, my dear
Thou art myself'--Thus spoke he.
"No intrinsic evil is there,' so said he,
'And Truth is Absolute,' he added my dear.
Yet he behaved like a dumbman, dear.
'Accomplished is His Will--there's neither before nor after.'
Like thunder, he echoed these words, my dear
What more can I speak, my dear.
'That is: Who doth know?' so said he.
No parallel to him can I conceive, my dear.
Dazed and motionless I become, my dear.
'We know not,' declared the wise teacher.
A wholesome life bequeathed he, my dear
Fled are all the unrighteous acts, my dear.
In oneness did I see the universe in and out.
Yet I see not that which seeth so, my dear.
The link of causation too hath vanished, my dear.
Dweller at Nallur my dear, known by the holy name
Chellappan, so they called him, my dear.
His abode is the canopy of the chariot.
The devotees who adore him are selfless folks,
Who do not see the merging of day into night,
They claim his Feet as their sole refuge, my dear.
--Natchintanai. 165. ,

Title: Holy Ash. Do we really have free will? Burn the good memories?

Category: The Spiritual Path

Duration: 3 min., 10 seconds

Date Given: January 11th 2001

Date Posted: January_18_2001

Cybertalk: A cybercadet in Canada wonders what to do with the excess holy ash accumulated from daily puja. Gurudeva says to give it to friends and family for it is the gift of the Gods. Cybercadet Rolando from Virginia asks if we really have free will. Gurudeva says that in order to evolve we have to make choices and that we are the master of our own destiny. Bill from New York wonders if we should write the good things down when we do Vasana Daha Tantra and burn them up. Gurudeva says that the object of this tantra is to remove the emotion from the memory so that our subconscious mind clears and we have nothing but a bright and happy future.
Title: Holy Ash. Do we really have free will? Burn the good memories?
Category: The Spiritual Path
Length: 3 min., 10 seconds
Date Given: January 11th 2001

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_12_2001
Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 5
Category: Change and Transformation
Duration: 2 min., 56 sec
Date Given: January 05, 2001
Now for the magic mantram. It is a very simple mantram, you will love it. It heals conditions between people in the work place and the family life, among relatives. It is to be performed mentally, "I love you, you love me. I love you, you love me. I love you, you love me."

The next time you meet somebody that has antagonized you, someone you have mistrusted, who has cheated you, you do not want to carry those feelings with you. Say mentally, "I love you, you love me. I love you, you love me. I love you, you love me" and soften the feeling within yourself. That will have an affect on the other person in the psychic realms of the mind.

Love brings respect, love brings forgiveness, love brings happiness. It has so many qualities within us. Not like on Western TV, where love only means sex and lust, but on a higher level. Love is forgiveness, love brings happiness, love softens the emotions within you toward others and allows you to see Siva within the light within their eyes.

Lord Murugan tells us that the light within everyone's eyes comes from His father, Lord Siva. His father, Lord Siva, radiates out from the central core of the Universe itself, the Self itself, as light and shakti, energy. That is manifested in everyone's eyes. No one will hurt you, no one will deceive you, no one will disappoint you. Why? Because, "I love you, you love me". Love brings a great intuitive, superconscious understanding of the karmas of life.

So in celebrating Jayanthi, the 'Happy Birthday', of 75 years on this planet I would like to tell you sincerely - I love you and you love me. I feel your love and you feel my love for you.

Aum Namasivaya, Aum Namasivaya, Jai Muruga.
transcription ends

Sun One Homa. . .the sacred Agni Fire is raised and then itself worshipped as the presiding Deity, the Messenger of the Gods. This is a particularly auspicious time on the planet as all the "windows" between the three worlds are wide open. All can also feel the great power coming from India during this Kumbha Mela as we all witness the largest gathering of humanity in one place. And that gathering is for a sacred purpose. As Acharya Ceyonswami said: "This mela is the first one of its kind since the advent of the worldwide web. As such there is a great excitement in the air as more people are watching globally than ever happened in the past."

Today our swami's chanted Sri Rudram as usual but they were being recorded for a special CD of spiritual sounds that is being produced by Dr Ann West and Gary Barlough.

In the temple the men sit on the right and the ladies sit on left, keep a balance of the forces of ida and pingala currents in the temple. Above the ladies we see the newly polished Tandava Poses of Lord Siva performing the famed Tandava Dance.

Paramacharya Bodhinathaswami gave a talk after the homa on our theology of monistic theism, Advaita Siddhanta, and gave practical examples of how it can be applied in our daily life.

The Foundation of Iraivan in the early morning sun.

Everyone sings the Arati song together.

Our ladies pass the flame during the singing. Gurudeva had an English rendition of the song done which we all sing. . .

Seeing You, Hearing You, Feeling You
Siva send light to the world!
Swami, Siva send light to the world.

Dawn and Dusk are the photographer's "prime time" when light seems to be perfect in his colors and shadows. These are also the famed "sandhya hours" of the day, when during the passage from dark to light and light to dark, sadhana is performed, japa is recited and the mind is directed to the transcendental tasks of transforming the soul and moving forward in evolution.

Arumugaswami our managing editor has been extremely active recently in the newly formed "East Kauai Water Users Association" which will be taking charge of the rather incredible irrigation system that will be soon be abandoned by the sugarcane company. The water ways are critical for the Aadheenam as well as many farmers in the area, who have gathered together to form a non-profit citizens' group to take on the responsibilities. Part of the initial efforts have involved a thorough "real time" analysis of the system which has involved long hikes into the jungles of Kauai.

On these hikes we get to see some rather unusual natural events, such as this lush moss, which is rapidly consuming some fallen trees.

Another natural wonder is the ever awe-inspiring spider web. At this time of year we have a proliferation of the "crab spider" which builds webs everywhere and anywhere. They get in your face, your hair and all over you where ever you walk. But, it's always a breathtaking memorable moment to find its magical creation, just perfectly set against the light which reveals amazing formations. . .question is, how does he get from tip of that bush up to the corner of the house?

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

The "making of the chains" documentary continues today and will conclude tomorrow with some final chains on display

This is our resident sthapati Chidambaram marking on the set of chain which is carved by U. Manikandan. As the silpis chip away they will clean off the master architect's ("sthapati") markings, then he will return and mark the next portions of stone to be removed.

This is a vertical view. This is U. Manikandan, elder brother of silpi U. Adaikalam. Both of them are skilled ornamental carvers.

A close up view of the top portion of the chain. You can observe two small projections. These two projections will be locked into position onto the main sunshade, like a bulb fitting into the socket.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Gurudeo is 16 and thinking about monastic life. His family is encouraging his spiritual search. Here he is with Sadhaka Jothinatha talking about Gurudeva's book, Merging with Siva, which is a perfect study guide for mystical inquiry.

J Coopen, a Mauritian living in the UK, is getting married tomorrow. He came with his friends to get Ganesha's blessings.

(left) Mr and Mrs Manikam from Chemin Grenier with their daughter Vani. That's Sangaren Chenganna, of Piton, on the right. Both he and Vani are alumni of our youth spiritual retreats held in past years. Sangaren helped to plant many of the trees here in the Spiritual Park. They've all come to get Ganesha's blessings as Vani is returning to her second year of psychology studies in South Africa tomorrow. She's taking a copy of Merging with Siva along.

Improving our organic vegetable garden a little bit. Soon we'll have a tiny concrete "wall" where these boards are placed. Inside will be a mound of rich earth in which to grow ginger and tumeric

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva continues to do better and better everyday. He is working now both mornings and afternoons on the editing of Living with Siva, to catch up for the month and a half of "down time" .

Yogaswami says:

"We are the servitors of Lord Siva. We lack nothing. Our
duty is to serve the Lord. It is the fundamental goal of
our life in this world.
The moon fulfils the will of Siva. The sun and other
planets also carry out His bidding.
The gods and demons, and all other beings are also
engaged in the performance of the Lord's work.
In everything do we see the will of Siva at work. Not an
atom moves but by His will--nothing gained and nothing
lost. We continue to be ever the same.
There is no one above us or superior to us; good and
evil cannot affect us. There is no beginning and no end
for us. We have no likes or dislikes; we have no desire
for material goods. The spectre of the mind does not
haunt us; neither are we bound by the limitations of
place, time or causation. We simply bear witness to
everything around us.

Aum! Tat Sat Aum ! "

Title: Sacred leaves for pada puja , Should one have a Guru who is alive?, Is everything that happens good?

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 3 min., 33 seconds

Date Given: January 11th 2001

Date Posted: January_15_2001

Cybertalk: A cyber cadet in Malaysia wonders if it is ok to use sacred leaves for a pada puja. Gurudeva says that it is fine and that he is creating a wonderful future for himself by giving respect to his guru. A cyberspace devotee in Botswana asks if one should have a guru that is alive or does it matter if he is not alive. Gurudeva says that a guru who is not alive will not be able to talk to you and that by having a guru who is alive one can communicate freely with him and it will be of a greater benefit. Another question this time from the state of Virginia where a cyberspace devotee asks is everything that happens to you good? Gurudeva says that everything that happens to you is because you put it into action. Gurudeva also says to accept your karma cheerfully and get the lesson out of the experience and you can carve a beautiful future for yourself..

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_11_2001
Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 4
Category: Change and Transformation
Duration: 3 min., 20 sec
Date Given: January 5, 2001

From Kauai Aadheenam, we have been instrumental in stimulating temples throughout the world, for the Tamilians to worship Lord Muruga, Amman and all the Gods of our great religion. To feed thousands, not only physically but mentally and emotionally, just to sustain the community for the new generations being born this very moment.

The Tamilian people are one of the oldest races in the world. They are special people, blessed people and in every temple that has come up within the Western world in the last twenty years, there has been a Tamilian there promoting the worship, promoting the philosophy and keeping harmony among the financiers of the temple.

I haven't forgotten the six magical words, the mantra for you from Lord Murugan. But first, let me tell you something.

When this - shall we say divine? - accident occurred and the pain occurred, everyone was thinking, "Gurudeva is on His last legs. We won't see Gurudeva anymore. He is 75 years of age, reached the end of His life." Not true. Through the years, seeing my lifeline from my hand, all the astrologers and the Nadi Shastris have said, "Gurudeva can live as long as He wants."

A guru, a Satguru is like a knife. He is like a pen. He is like a pencil, just sitting there on the table and is of no use unless you pick it up and use it. We want you to use Gurudeva. I am here to be used.

I am a very practical person. I listen to the Shastris, the Nadi Shastris, the astrologers who said that I can live as long as I wanted. But, I needed a practical example and invited to Kauai Aadheenam two years ago, last year and again this year, a great rishi, Swami Bua Maharaj to celebrate his 112th birthday. He was with us in the United Nations General Assembly for Spiritual Leaders and Religious Leaders, blowing the conch and opening the grand event. At a 112 years of age, He doesn't have to wear glasses, moves around quite freely, teaches yoga and passes on all that He knows to those who are open and ready to receive it.

transcription ends

This is Deepa Param on the left, wife of Jothi Param ( who you saw in the Guru Purnima photos last week) She is standing with Tiruselvi Katir who is holding Deepa's little baby Sandhya. You also met Sandhya last week, but today she has no hair! Having received her head shaving and ear-piercing ceremonies during the Ardra Puja last week.

Today was tour day and brought the usual bright souls on the spiritual path.

Thambynathan Nutanaya is part of the hosting team and has a fun time meeting all the interesting people from around the world. Here he is calculating the total sales cost in our book store for Ann West from Scotland, now living on Kauai. She is coming back for the Sun 1 early morning homa to record the monks chanting Sri Rudram for a special CD she is producing of spiritual sounds.

This is a picture from the front of the publications buildling looking across to the "Pihanakilani trail" which is a pathway that runs along the top of the edge of the "Pali" where the monastery land "drops off" into the valley of the Wailua river far below.

Kauai is the oldest of the Hawaii Islands. Various weathered and beaten lava formations bear witness to the eons ot time that have passed since the hot molten rock erupted from the earth's surface to make these islands. 500 miles away, on the island of Hawaii, the process continues as the "hole" that exists under the island continues to pour forth hot lava to this very day. Over time the upper plates of the earth shift northward and one island is formed, also moving northward. Its base is slowly shifted away from the opening to the earth's core, which continues to bubble away far below, beginning the formation of another, younger island. Speculation has it that at one time the Hawaiian Islands were at the center of the vast continent called Lemuria, and were as such likened to the "Himalayan Mountains" of the ancient continent which comprise a land mass which included South Africa, Southern India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and the west coast of both North and South America. There is a great deal of physical evidence to indicate the unity of this land mass. In the Sierra Nevada Mountains one finds sea shells and sand, as if the Eastern side of California was once the eastern shore of Lemuria.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

We continue our "stone chains" documentary with the work of ornamental carver C. Ravi working on another set of 7 rings. This rings are oblong in shape and a different carving method. Again the piece is laid in the sand to absorb the impact of the blows.

A close up view how this set of chain is carved.

He will take another 40 days to complete the chain.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Here's Krishna Narayanagounden (left) and his family with Sadhaka Jothinatha in front of their home in Bel Air. Krishna's taken several hours off from his work to show the sadhaka and Brahmachari Navind the temple at Clemencia (see yesterday's photos.) Here we are saying goodbye to Krishna and his wife (right), his brother and daughter Kevina (center). Kevina is a past participant in the youth retreats that our swamis organized for several years running. Here she's holding a flyer inviting her and her parents to participate in the Northern European Innersearch with Gurudeva this coming August.

Terry Subramoney is from South Africa and has stopped in Mauritius on his way to Chennai. Terry is an active member of the Siven Kovil in Chatsworth, Durban. He'll also be helping to organize the World Saiva Conference to be held in Mauritius in September of this year. He bought a copy of Merging with Siva to read on the plane to India. See you again in September, Terry!

From Dancing with Siva: "The keynote of karma yoga is seva, religious service given without the least thought of reward, which has the magical effect of softening the ego and bringing forth the soul's innate devotion." These girls, Padmini and Bijamati, learn how fun karma yoga can be. Here they're seen cleaning up leaves from the mandapam garden pathways with their mom, Mrs Amutha Pareatumbee.

Here's Mr and Mrs Mootoosawmy in front of the Ganesha Mandapam. They participated in the Positive Discipline teacher training seminar which was held here recently.

Gurudeva feels we can have 500 teachers giving classes in Mauritius within the next five years. This group, led by Vedapragasen Peruman, is just getting started learning how to teach parents the Positive Discipline way. Go to www.positivediscipline.comto get a facilitators manual or learn more about using Positive Discipline in the home or classroom.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva is getting out every day, fresh air, sunshine and doing exercises. In his call to the monastery today he talked more about gratitude and appreciation, saying to the monks:

Turn to the person next to you and say "I really appreciate you!"

He is editing the chapter of Living with Siva on brahmacharya (sexual purity) today.

Yogaswami says, in a song entitled "The Sivathondon" (The Servant of Siva)

"God is the life of our life.
Therefore we are His possession.
We are His perpetual bondsmen, pledged to undying servitude.
All our vibrations originate in His vibrations.
We move to His rhythm always.
We can never for a moment forget Him.
We lack nothing
We live in eternity.
We dwell in everything and art everywhere.
We are all-knowing.
Let us ponder on these exalted sentiments always and get
beyond the base qualities inherent in us, and attain the
grandeur of Divinity. "

Title: Sacred leaves for pada puja , Should one have a Guru who is alive?, Is everything that happens good?

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 3 min., 33 seconds

Date Given: January 11th 2001

Date Posted: January_14_2001

Cybertalk: A cyber cadet in Malaysia wonders if it is ok to use sacred leaves for a pada puja. Gurudeva says that it is fine and that he is creating a wonderful future for himself by giving respect to his guru. A cyberspace devotee in Botswana asks if one should have a guru that is alive or does it matter if he is not alive. Gurudeva says that a guru who is not alive will not be able to talk to you and that by having a guru who is alive one can communicate freely with him and it will be of a greater benefit. Another question this time from the state of Virginia where a cyberspace devotee asks is everything that happens to you good? Gurudeva says that everything that happens to you is because you put it into action. Gurudeva also says to accept your karma cheerfully and get the lesson out of the experience and you can carve a beautiful future for yourself..

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_07_2001
Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 3
Category: Change and Transformation
Duration: 3 min., 12 sec
Date Given: January 05, 2001

I am seventy-five years of age now and when I was twenty-two years of age, Satguru Yogaswami gave me some whispers in the ear, very confidential. But he said, "Go back to America and build bridges, feed thousands. You will build palaces." I was very young then, I didn't know. What? Building a bridge from Sri Lanka to America? Building palaces? I didn't know that a palace is a kovil, meaning a temple.

Now at seventy-five years of age, I can look back and see that the bridge from Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, India leads to Kauai Aadheenam. From Canada, the United States, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Germany, England and all the European countries leads to Kauai Aadheenam, the beautiful island of healing. The beautiful island where pure Saivism is maintained by all the Swamis, Yogis, Sadhakas and devotees that live here and have been here over thirty years with me serving through 'Hinduism Today', through all the publications explaining Saiva Siddhanta to the modern world.

At this very auspicious time, we must all come together very closely. We must pray to Lord Murugan that the ceasefire that was called by Parakum in Sri Lanka manifests peace talks, so that a win-win situation can occur between the two parties involved, the Sri Lankan government and the Tamilian people represented by Prabhakaran. Peace can come to this beautiful garden island, which is needed in the world today, not as a place to be withdrawn from by conflict but as a place to be visited and pilgrimaged to, for upliftment of the soul of all the Tamilians and all the Saivites of the world.

We invoke Lord Murugan to forgive all the sins of the past, that has created this conflict, lived through this conflict and to use His Divine powers along with Lord Ganesha and Lord Siva to create a paradise. A beautiful paradise in Sri Lanka, in Mauritius, in Kauai, this beautiful garden island where we exist as Kauai Aadheenam. These three islands are places of pilgrimage, places of peace, places where we can see our future bright, wonderful and fulfilling.

transcription ends

We will continue to share some photos from the Young Ladies retreat. Here is Anusha Samugam on the left from Singapore and Darshani Alahan from California. One of the lovely things about having the retreat on Kauai is that it draws people from different countries and builds the all important spirit of "hands across the oceans."

The timeless wonder of the sea. . .that constantly reminds us of the Source. And a beautiful place to practice the ancient tantric meditation on the five elements, sitting absolutely still, rotating in turn, one's focus on, earth, water, fire, air and akasha, until you melt your very being in the primal stuff of creation and step up close to the very edge of the Absolute. . . ready to dive in and dissolve in the sea of Satchindananda, and re-emerge fresh and whole and new.

Yogaswami said:

"Look, you and I are one, like waves on the same ocean."

As promised we are featuring here the latest and great in the Jnana Dana series. These are small tracts, the highest quality printing. Size: 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2. This one is called "Nine Beliefs of Hinduism." We have printed 10,000 of these and they are ready for distribution. If you would like 50 or more of these tracts to pass out in your community, Hindu class, high-school comparative religion seminar, youth camp etc. Please email a request, stating quantity with your address to:

Four Facts of Hinduism, also available in quantity.
Please email a request, stating quantity with your address to:

Send Jnana Dana Now!

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

This is another chain set being carved by silpi CT. Kanna .He is just working on the first two rings on a set of seven that are oblong in shape.

The chipping is so delicate that the stone is buried in a pile of sand so that the rings do not break.

A close up side view shows how this set of chain is carved.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

A few days ago the monks and Brahmachari Navind went on pilgrimage to the oldest Hindu temple in Mauritius. This temple is located in a small village called Clemencia about 20 kilometers south of our monastery. It was here that a large group of sugar cane laborers from Tamil Nadu in Southern India founded the Dandapani Aallayam 158 years ago. Pictured here: red and white steps leading up to the temple are vaguely reminicent of the steps leading to the famous Palani Hill temple in Tamil Nadu.

An idylic setting amid mango and banana trees and sugarcane.

While doing pradakshina (circling the outside of the temple) the monks pause to get a snapshot of the temple priest, manager and temple vimanam. That's the priest, Rajen on the left and Krishna the manager on the right.

Dandapani Muruga -- the renunciate holding a staff-- is the Lord of this temple.

Thank you, Rajen, for opening the temple and doing a special arati just for us!

A brief meditation. We felt right at home in this temple. The shakti power is very similar to that of the Murugan Temple that Gurudeva founded in California.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva is in great spirits and asked the monks taking care of him to send back the special hospital bed they had rented (the one that allows you to raise the back up and down). He called the monks today at lunch and said he was exercising, practicing walking up and down stairs. As usual he had a wonderful spiritual message for us. "We have been working on Living with Siva editing. Today we worked on the section on showing appreciation and gratitude. Smile, turn to the person on your left and smile, turn to the person on your right and smile. You are spiritual leaders and that means you bring upliftment into people lives."

Title: Genetic Engineering, Can one have two Gurus?, How do we get to the astral plane?

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 3 min., 40 seconds

Date Given: November 30th, 2000

Date Posted: January_13_2001

Cybertalk: The first question comes from Holland where a cyber devotee wishes to know Hinduism Today's view on genetic engineering. Gurudeva says that a lot of in depth study and research goes into an article before we print it and that there are many unknown factors in this area and we still need more opinions and research to be done. Another cyber cadet asks if one can have two gurus? Gurudeva says that it is traditional in Sanatana Dharma that a family has one guru. A cyberspace devotee asks how can one get into the astral plane? Gurudeva says that the astral plane is a duplicate of the physical plane and that those on the spiritual path go into the astral plane during sleep to study from great masters there.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_06_2001
Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 2
Category: Change and Transformation
Duration: 2 min., 52 seconds
Date Given: January 05, 2001

When two vertebra in my spine went in different directions, it caused a great pain. The Ayurvedic doctor, the Medical doctor, the Chiropractic doctor told us that, for a human being, this pain is the worst kind of a pain to have. I took this to mean that I had entered Kavadi, a state of penance.

As we all know, we are not the body, we are not the mind, we are not the emotions. We are the divine soul living on this planet to make the planet a divine planet. The divine in me tells me, "You are not this body, Gurudeva. I am very happy that you are not my body because of this great pain." So, I went through the years of my life, seventy five years. "What did you do, Gurudeva, to acquire such great pain in your karma?"

Well, I have been very much involved with my ashram in Alaveddy and the mission Satguru Yogaswami gave to me. He mentioned, "No pain, no gain." I have been involved in the conflict in Sri Lanka. I have offered my services to the Norwegian Government, talked to the Minister who is now talking to Prabhakaran about a cease fire and harmony in the country in the name of Lord Muruga.

You remember last year and the year before? I explained that Lord Muruga is the God of war, traditionally. That doesn't mean He begins wars. That means He is the God that brings wars to an end, brings conflicts to an end, to a win-win situation where everyone is happy and secure in the future of futures of futures of futures for generations and generations and generations to come.

Now, I have not forgotten the mantram in English to be said mentally, six words from Lord Murugan, that is the solution to many, many problems of the past. Many, many problems won't come up in the future, if this mantram is used.

First, I would like to commend the Tamilian community in Mauritius for holding a conference for Lord Muruga, so that the peoples of the world will better understand this great God.
transcription ends

A view of the ocean where Gurudeva is staying.

An out-of-this-world looking flower, close up. Who needs abstract art when you can take photos like this?

Thambynathan Nutanaya with Sannyasin Sivakatirswami. It's an important day for we just received the "proofs" back from our Hinduism Today printer in Missouri. These are the cover pages and "gang job" (extra items) for the next issue of Hinduism Today. The printer sends "samples" back for us to check before printing the actual magazine. The up-and-coming issue has an indepth article on the famed Sringeri Mutt in Karnataka, original home of Adi Sankara, originator of the renowned Mayavada school of monistic Advaita Vedanta philosophy.

For the technocrats who may have any knowledge or interest in such matters:
Our magazine is produced 100% digitally on G4 MacIntosh computers using Quark Express, Photoshop and Illustrator. Pages are digitized and postscripted here in Hawaii and sent to Banta Publications in Kansas City, Missouri via the internet. . .now on our T1 line. It takes between 10-12 hours during the night to send all the files. We use no film, paste up, art boards, veloxes or any kind of "mechanical" typesetting in the process.

Today Nutanaya helped Sivakatirswami to postscript the corrected pages and send them back to the printer via the internet. Nutanaya was fascinated. "You mean the computer is calling Missouri?"

We were one of the first magazines to go "computer to plate" with Banta, which means that all film, conventional stripping and plate burning by negatives are eliminated. Our files go direct from the computer to a machine that "prints" huge metal plates, ready for the press.

This is the March April issue which will go to press next week. On top is the cover. . .it is dull as this is just a "speed check" proof and nothing like the real thing. Next to the cover we print our special items. . .here you see four cards: two with beautiful art and two with images of Ganesha and Muruga. These will be later part of Gurudeva's "Jnana Dana" program. "Dana" means "giving" and the classical act of service is "anna dana" which means "food giving" or feeding the mendicants, the poor and one's guests. Gurudeva coined the term "Jnana Dana" (knowledge giving) for his program of printing and giving away small pieces of free literature, of which we have printed literally millions through the years.

Stay tuned for more about this tomorrow and how you can participate!

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

Close up of the rings again. This is not in its final form yet. Lots of finishing touches have to be given to the rings.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Raju Boyjoonauth and his sister, Roopa Devi, attended several seminars with Gurudeva's swamis several years ago and it has been a strong infuence in their lives. Raju is now studying in England and Roopa Devi is in South Africa. They came with their younger brother and sister who are still students in Mauritius, and with Vishargen and Vikash, who are schoolmates of Raju in England.
Here they are pictured with giant statue of Lord Shanmuga (Six Faced God).
From left to right: Reshma, Roopa Devi, Roopesh, Rakesh, Raju, Vishargen and Vikash.

Here's Azagen and Usha Renghen with Sadhaka Jothinatha. Azagen is a long time supporter of the Spiritual Park. He's also the cousin of our gardener. He and his wife walked through grounds today and bought a copy of Dancing with Siva and an Aum Namasivaya bracelet.

A few days ago the monks drove down the coast road. There's a colorful temple on a small islet in the lagoon at Post de Flacq about 10 kilometers to the south of our monastery. A popular spot for visitors to Mauritius, some of whom can be seen here wading through the water. We thought you'd all enjoy some religious "postcard scenes" from Mauritius so we include the photo here.

Roadside shrines are located everywhere throughout Mauritius. This one is located next to the oldest temple in Mauritius. We'll tell you more about that tomorrow.

This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Jai Gurudeva! Up and Walking and Sitting On My Own!. . .Here is Gurudeva at this ocean with today's "lunch team", that is the group of monks who drive down from the monastery to take him lunch. He is taking some fresh air and sunshine. Sadhaka Mahadevan on the left, Thambynathan Nutanaya in the back and Sadhaka Dandapani in the right front. Getting better day by day! And the good news is that Gurudeva spoke to the monks over the speaker phone today saying: "Today I started my editing again. I just had to get back to work. You know when you have a problem like this your brain takes a break. . .but today was the day to start work again and we are back on task focusing on the next book "Living with Siva." I want to thank all the monks for taking such good care of me and coming twice a day. Remember all of you during the unstable times, that is the time to really work, to put your goal of Self-Realization in the forefront of your consciousness, to strive and work within yourself. That is after all what you came here to do!"

Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 4

Category: Change and Transformation

Duration: 2 min 56 sec

Date Given: 1/5/01

Date Posted: January_12_2001

In this final part of Gurudeva's 75th birthday talk he tells the secret 6 word mantra that came from Lord Muruga, how to use it and the magic that it does.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_05_2001
Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 1
Category: The Spiritual Path
Duration: 3 min., 51 sec.
Date Given: January 05, 2001

Vanakkam, Vanakkam, Vanakkam! Aloha from the beautiful garden island of Kauai, the divine retreat for all the Jaffna Tamil people throughout the world. When you want to come to worship Siva, to worship Lord Ganesha and to worship Lord Murugan, come to Kauai Aadheenam. We will talk, we will understand each other, bless each other and proceed into a positive future.

There is a wonderful mantra in English. All my Tamil devotees understand English or at least a little bit of English. It is six words, came from Lord Muruga and they are in English. But, our Natyam Thondunathan put them into the beautiful Tamil language. We are to say this mantra mentally not verbally. You can say it to yourself verbally. But it is a mental mantra.

Would you like to know what it is? Before I tell you the six magical words, I want to mention a few things about Lord Murugan. He is so strong on the planet Earth. He is working day and night for the peace and happiness of the next generation of the beautiful Tamil people, worldwide.

This is a very auspicious day for Gurudeva, 75th Jayanthi, January 5th the year 2001. A very auspicious day. I am feeling stronger day by day, after having gone through a great kavadi, of great pain for over thirty-one days.

There are Tamilians on the beautiful garden island of Mauritius, who often sleep on a bed of nails for three nights and three days. Our Tamilian devotees in Malaysia, Canada, Singapore and Sri Lanka have spears and hooks in their back, to smooth out the karmas of the future.

We are born into this life, myself seventy-five years ago, counting the year within the womb of the mother that bore this physical body. We were born into this life, with certain karmas called prarabdha karma, that we must live through in this life. But we make new karmas on the way, sometimes unknowingly.

What are these karmas we create in this life? They are happenings in life, experiences in this life that contain emotion attached to the memory of the experience, that keeps vibrating within our internal subconscious, subjective mind. As we become older and the years go by, more of these memories - good, bad, happy, sad - with the emotions vibrating, causes us to think more of the past than the future.

So, we want to quiet the mind of the past, so that the future becomes big and long to us and we live a long, long time.
transcription ends

Sannyasin Arumugaswami in the temple during a 3 hour vigil. This is a time alone, when we can focus on spiritual studies, inner life and sadhanas. . .

This wonderful picture of our latest monastic aspirant, Thambynathan Sivaram. . .he has been helping in the subscription department of Hinduism Today, doing a great job.

This is a good shot of the entrance ot the Kadavul Shiva temple. On the right under the roof is a ten ton statue of Nandi the bull. Our "monastic shrine" temple here has often been likened in style to the temples of Kerala. We have added a mixture of polynesian lava rock and Japanese roof tiles. Deep inside the temple is the famed and not-to-be-photographed, six-foot statue of Lord Nataraja. The temple is noted for its "diamond dust darshan" having the power to cut through to the heart of things, making devotees come face-to-face with themselves all in an instant, sometimes an emotionally overwhelming but always wonderfully uplifting experience. People call it the "Chidambaram of the West."

Our TAKA photographer, Sadhaka Jivanandanatha (left) takes a break from behind the shutter to pose with Sadhaka Thondunatha.

Most Hindu temples have an outside shrine called the "Navagraha" shrine. . .this is a pedestal with the images of nine planets and is famous for being worshipped by people trying to propitiate the forces of the stars for the great benefit of their lives.
This giant revolving board is our modern day Navagraha shrine.

Each of the colored balls represents one of the planets and the moon. They are colored according to the gem connected with the planet. The earth is in the middle. The planets are positioned on the inner wheel according to their actual, real, astronomical positions in the sidereal zodic signs. On the outer side of the board are the numbered bhavas or houses, the 1st house equal to the eastern horizon. Every two hours through the day the inner wheel is turned so the next sign is lined up with the 1st house. . .thus giving us a "real' navagraha "yantra" for any hour of the day.

Gurudeva reminds us that the stars impel, they don't compel. Your karma is reflected in the positions of the stars at birth and the karmic seeds are triggered to manifest when the planets line up in the right positions through life. But the stars do not deliver some kind of "fate" other than the fate which you have yourself, created for yourself.

Low tide at the ocean reveal well worn reefs, the ocean's protecting buttress against in coming swells. A precious resource our reefs are one of the important elements in the global economy that we all want to conserve.

After millions of years these chunks of broken coral, continually dashed by a zillion waves, will slowly become countless grains of sand. . .just think for a minute the glory of the infinity of your soul, the eons of experiences and never forget the timeless journey you are on and that one day, the momentous experiences of this life will be nothing but sand in the beaches of your memory.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

U. Adaikalam holding the nearly completed chain ring. The rings are an inch in thickness.

A close up view of the rings. Just imagine the skill, patience and time it will take to complete a set. It takes 100 working days to complete one set.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Continued Reports from Jayanthi Celebrations in Mauritius:

Everyone had been supercharged by Gurudeva's talk (which he gave over the internet phone) about teaching Positive Discipline in Mauritius. He gave the assignment to everyone to focus on this for the next five years. Teaching the principles and methodology of Positive Discipline will be our way of thanking Mauritius for its support and a way of giving back to the community. Gurudeva encouraged everyone to begin classes for all the different religious, ethnic and language groups in Mauritius. The objective is to stop the war in the home and raise a new generation which has developed self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation and problem solving skills in a loving atmosphere.

After the puja Mrs Kavita Mardemootoo told of her experience at Jane Nelson's Positive Discipline teacher training seminar in Hawaii. Then everyone separated into four groups. Four leaders had practiced ahead of time to conduct "warm ups" and have everyone in all the groups do some of the role playing exercises recommended by Jane Nelsen. These exercises are meant to help absorb the Positive Discipline teachings on a feeling level. All four groups radiated happiness at being able to learn how to do these exercises. Everyone caught the spirit of how easily the Positive Discipline seminars could be facilitated. And how much fun it can be. In this photo Premila Manick, in green sari, listens and prepares to do role playing. Another of the four groups can be seen in the background

Mrs Meeravadee Koothan and Mougam Pareatumbee getting role playing instructions from Mrs Selvon Mardemootoo.

Everyone smiles in recognition that we're all in the same boat. Everyone has the same problems relating to their kids!!

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva is doing very well, swimming daily, taking short walks and sitting at the table to "take care of business."

Yogaswami says:

"Everything originates in me; everything finds permanence in me; in me everything revolves in

--So must we become suffused with such pure thoughts. Further, we must frequently
meditate as follows:

"Nothing do I lack; everyone loves me and I too love all."

--Meditating thus, one
should endeavour to live up to this ideal. If one can practice spiritual sadhana in this way, the
capacity to know everything and the power to do anything will develop spontaneously.

Title: 2001, 75th Jayanthi Talk, Part 4

Category: Change and Transformation

Duration: 3min 20 sec

Date Given: January 5, 2001

Date Posted: January_11_2001

Continuation: Gurudeva's radio address to Sri Lankan Tamils in 35 countries around the world:

Gurudeva talks about how Kauai Aadheenam has been instrumental in getting temples started around the world and also feeding thousands of people. Gurudeva then mentions the important role the Tamil people have played in building temples in the West. Gurudeva also reassures everyone that he can live as long as he wants.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_04_2001
Title: Everything she Needs and Everything she Wants
Category: Relationships
Duration: 2 min., 05 seconds
Date Given: November 26, 2000

A cyberspace devotee all the way in Nepal, asks the question, "Please clarify, Gurudeva. You have said in order to release the shakti from the wife, give her all that she needs and all that she wants."

Wife abuse in the world today, is a modern sport. Yet, when a young lady marries, she thinks she is going to be the exception of it all.

The shakti coming from the spouse through the husband's nerve system makes him attractive. People want to be with him, buy from him, deal with him, be near him. It is well-known that a woman has eighty-four ways of managing this shakti to make her husband successful in the exterior world. But one harsh word can turn this shakti off. It is like a light switch. You can turn it on and you can turn it off. It is also well known that when the shakti is turned off or pulled in from the husband and is no longer flowing through him, she has eighty-four ways of slowly destroying him, making him unsuccessful, unhealthy, unhappy, tearing him apart on the inside.

When you married your wife you gave her everything she needed and everything she wanted. Her happiness filled and thrilled your being. She will be reasonable. She won't ask for much. She knows the family's means and your ability to give, your finances and all. It is how your fulfill those needs and those requests, that is the important thing.

We asked one lady to make a list of everything she needed and everything she wanted. She said, "I have everything that I need. He is very kind in that way. But the one thing I want is for him to come home for dinner." He changed his habit pattern, starting to come home for dinner. His business began to flourish. He was happy, became a community leader because her shakti was flowed through him, was not inhibited in anyway.

Give the list to me on e-mail. We will look it over and maybe, you will change the way people live in Nepal.
transcription ends

We want to send out a big Mahalo Nui Loa to Uncle Sadhunathan who sponsored Muruga Hill. This hill was made up of the earth that was excavated around the Iraivan foundation site. Recently the next stage of the project, seeding, commenced when Kauai Hydroseed came in with giant hoses and sprayed the whole hill.

They used an unusual method: grass seed and wild flower seed was embedded in a kind of paper mache mash that was blue in color. Their giant hoses sprayed this all over the hill. It looked like we had a visitation from the Pleiades!

Thank you Sadhunathan!

Today was Sun One and Sadhaka Tyaganatha had build a blazing yagna fire.

This is a lovely hymn from the Rig Veda on shraddha, faith, the power behind all ceremony:

1. By Faith is Fire kindled.
By Faith is offered Sacrifice.
Sing we now Faith, the pinnacle of joy.

2. Bless Faith, the one who gives.
Bless him who wills, but has not.
Bless him who gives his worship unstinting.
Bless this song I sing.

3. As the Gods evoked Faith
from the mighty Asuras,
so may my prayer for the generous worshiper be accepted!

4. The Gods, led by the Spirit,
honor Faith in their worship.
Faith is composed of the heart's intention.
Light comes through Faith.

5. Through Faith men come to prayer,
Faith in the morning,
Faith at noon and at the setting of the Sun.
O Faith, give us Faith!

Paramacharya Bodhinathaswami gave a wonderful talk this morning, continuing his theme of the sadhana of the Moksha Ritau. Today he talked about the famous path of self-inquiry. . ."Who and I?" When you ask yourself that question, what answer do you get? Do you identify yourself as an instinctive being, an aggressive intellectual being, do you have feelings of superiority or inferiority, which are two forms of ego? Who am I? Really?

Arumugaswami meets with Mr. Ranjit Arab. He's journalism major at Kansas University and writes scientific articles for University publications. That's his fiancee Theresa and they will be getting married tomorrow.

At Kauai Aadheenam we have some stones that were previously finished, this is the magnificent [abhishekam spout"] that will be part of the sanctum sanctorum. When the abhishekam (bathing) is done to the crystal Sivalingam, the sacred water will flow out here and devotees will be able to drink some. This is a traditional practice in India.

Brigid Kelso, from Toronto, Ontario is a free lance journalist. She wants to write an article on the Iraivan temple project and the monastery and submit this to travel magazines. She took interviews and went home with loads of material. She stands here next to the capstone of Iraivan.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

This is ornamental carver U. Adaikalam working on the set of 7 rings forming a chain in a single granite. This is fixed to the corners of the sunshade. Adaikalam has been selected in the first batch of silpis going to Kauai in early March 2001.

This is another view of the work which shows how the chain is delicately chipped.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Gurudeva's Jayanthi was celebrated at the Spiritual Park on Sunday, January
Sadhaka Adinatha and Sadhaka Jothinatha are pictured here preparing for the
Guru Puja. A temporary altar for Gurudeva's sandals and portrait has been
constructed in
the Ganesha Mandapam.

A closeknit group of Gurudeva's long time devotees and students prepare to
offer their love and flowers near the completion of the ceremony.

Final arati to Gurudeva's flower bedecked sandals.
"There is no one greater in the three worlds than the guru. It is he who
grants divine knowledge and should be worshiped with supreme devotion."
Atharva Veda

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

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