Taka Archives

Blog Archives

Gurudeva joined the Talaivar meeting today and sat for several hours with Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami reviewing all the many wonderful "get well" letters and cards that everyone sent. It was such an inspiration to see all the love and devotion and blessings pouring in from so many around the world. Thank you all!

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 6

Category: The Guru

Duration: 2 min., 36 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001

Date Posted: February_18_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is part six of a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco. Arthur Pacheco conducts a weekly radio show in Honolulu, Hawaii and is also a trans-medium. In today's part of the interview, Arthur shares with Gurudeva how he learnt from Gurudeva's Master Course lessons about the power of affirmation and he mentions that he has successfully used that ever since. He then asks Gurudeva to share a little bit more about the power of affirmation.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: May_05_1999
Title: Birth and First Learning
Category: Samskara
Duration: 3 min, 51 seconds
Date Given: May 05,1999

Today at Kauai Aadheenam, May 5th and darshan time is open at cyberspace ashram on the beautiful garden island of Kauai.

We are talking about sacraments. The question today is, "Could you give a list of all the sacraments for the children and for the adults?"

The essential religious sacraments of childhood are:

Namakarana, the name giving for a child about a week or thirty days after birth.

Chudakarana, head shaving. This is a wonderful ceremony between thirty days after birth and the fourth year. They say it makes the hair grow beautifully, if all the original baby hair is shaved off. It is especially wonderful for the child because the child is the center of attraction for the whole family, neighbors and friends.

Karnavedha, ear piercing for both, boys and girls. Little gold earrings are put in both ears. Ayurvedically, it is said, this brings health into the body, through the blood passing over the gold. Again, the child has this religious ceremony performed in the temple or in the home with a priest hired coming to the home. The child is the center of attraction and this impression goes deep into the mind, which is called a samskara or a mark within the mind, in the memory pattern of the mind.

Vidyarambha, commencement of formal study. Now, we come to the big one. The child is ready to go to school and start learning the alphabet. This is also performed in the home or in the temple. A large plate of rice is put in front of the child, who with its little finger makes the first letter of the alphabet 'a', beginning the learning of the ABC's.

When the child is older, we have the coming-of-age sacrament for both, boys and girls. They learn now to take on responsibility for the younger generation. This means they are to be very good examples for the younger generation, helping the mother and father raise the children. This does not mean they help the mother and father beat the children. This means they help the mother and father raise the children in love and understanding, by talking to them and giving them positive disciplines, such as 'time out' or the denial of privileges.

Then, later on we have the marriage sacrament. Here the child, now an adult, is set up for a wonderful life.

When the wife is carrying their first child, the second and third, there are a series of samskaras or sacraments that are performed for her and for the child she is carrying. These are very important too. We won't go into those today. If you are interested, send us an e-mail and we'll explain what they are.

Now we are going to have the French language, Tamil language and Malay.
transcription ends

Three families from Chicago today, Yedavalli, Kolavennu and Chimata families.

Praful and Nita Bhatt from New York, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Kadavul Hindu Temple.

Ramanamurty and Suryakumari Yedavalli also receiving a shawl blessing from Guhanathaswami on their 36th wedding anniversary.

Then a large group of Hindus from Ohio and New Jersey, who all came on a cruise ship to Kauai. Happy souls!

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

We continue with our retrospective series on the mission to Asia. Here is Sannyasin Yoginathaswami at the Sri Vinayagar Temple in Klang, Malaysia, about two weeks ago.

The priest performs a small homa to invoke the divine forces before the initiations which are about to follow.

In Hinduism an initiation is known as "diksha". Our own tradition follows the orthodox scripturally prescribed initiations of the Saiva Agamas. For householders the initiations are first, mantra diksha, which initiates one into the practice of yoga through japa (repetition of the sacred name of God) and then secondly, vishesha diksha, which initiates one into the sacred performace of Siva puja in the home. It assume a spiritual maturity on the part of both husband and wife, that they can be depended on to be examples of the highest religious culture. The initiates are given the title of "Kulapati" and "Kulamata" ("Family Father, Family Mother") and will be also responsible to nurture the lives of other young members who are assigned to their households. In this way Gurudeva is working to restore the spirit and practice of extended families even amidst a modern world where the physical locations of homes may not always be on the same property.

Yoginathaswami here reads outloud the vows before the call to Gurudeva is made.

Gurudeva calls the group on a speaker phone and talks to everyone and then Yoginathsawami reads the vow as the family members repeat aloud. It is a joyous occasion, a fulfillment of years of sadhana (spiritual practice), Sivathondu (karma yoga) and study of Saiva Siddhanta.

A happy family of Malaysian members. Klang Mission has been in existence since the 80's. And some of the Malaysian members have been studying with Gurudeva for 20 years. Those who received the Vishesha Diksha Initiation today were:

Kulapati Thanabalan Ganesan
Kulamata Ahila Devi Ganesan
Kulapati Murugesu Kandasamy
Kulamata Valiammah Kandasamy
Kulapati Appasamy Kuppusamy
Kulamata Rajaletchumy Kuppusamy
Kulapati Silvarajoo Muniandy
Kulamata Amutha Muniandy
Kulapati Selladurai Perakasam
Kulamata Vasanthy Perakasam
Kulapati Bala Sivaceyon
Kulamata Kunawathy Sivaceyon
Kulapati Guhan Sivalingam
Kulamata Roobavathy Sivalingam
Kulapati Dhasan Sivananda
Kulamata Lalitha Sivananda
Kulapati Sivajnani Nagappan
Kulamata Amala Nagappan

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

This is the Mahasivaratri season. Religious pilgrims from all around the
island will travel to Grand Bassin, the sacred lake in the island's
southwestern mountains. A contingent of villagers from La Pointe de Lascars
came to the Ganesha Mandapam this morning to seek His blessings on their
pilgrimage. The monks were asked to bless their kanwar. We enthusiastically
accepted. Here's Sadhaka Adinatha performing a streetside arati at the
little portable shrine which is at the center of their kanwar. Notice that
Gurudeva's portrait has a prominent place.

Sadhaka "shows the flame" to a smaller kanwar that looks very similar to a
Both the larger and the smaller kanwar will carry pots of holy water down
the mountain to be used for Siva linga abhishekam on Sivaratri day. Soon
after this puja the group set off toward Grand Bassin. After collecting the
water and worshiping at the lakeside shrines they will begin their two day
walk down the mountain. They should arrive home late tomorrow afternoon.

All the participants "carrying the kanwar" are wearing a red string tied on
their wrist by Sadhaka Adinatha.

This year's uniform for most of the local kanwar carriers. "Glory to Lord

Sadhaka Adinatha and Sadhaka Haranandinatha pose in front of the kanwar with
the eighteen members of the pilgrimage group. Note that the kanwar will not
be carried, because of its extreme weight. It is on wheels. The kanwar is a
small scale replica (with some artistic license) of our Ganesha Mandapam
with hardwood ceiling and thatched roof. This year the kanwar will be
trucked up the mountain and will be pulled back to La Pointe by the
devotees. Still it is probably one of the longest walks of any of the
island's kanwar parties, 36 miles (60 kilometres.) Along the way, many
people from La Pointe de Lascars will temporarily accompany their "team", especially
for the last 3 miles, when many of the village youth and ladies will join in
the walk.

This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva seated in the Guru Peetham. Here, after our morning puja and meditation, he will sometimes sit alone and inwardly survey the mission work and activities around the world or discuss important questions with one or other of the monks.

Yogaswami says in his beautiful songs:

"In the harmony of universal Oneness, realise that You and I--myself and Thyself--are knit in indissoluble union
with the infinite Reality"

"There is nothing wonderful nor irrelevant nor even discordant."

"In bliss of harmony, in the supreme felicity of His will lies
our Peace"

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 5

Category: The Guru

Duration: 1 min., 49 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001

Date Posted: February_17_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is part five of a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco. Arthur Pacheco conducts a weekly radio show in Honolulu, Hawaii and is also a trans-medium. In Part Five today, Arthur asks Gurudeva about guidelines for meditation. Gurudeva suggests that when one meditates he meditates on higher things rather than things of a lower nature.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: May_04_1999
Title: Samskaras, Love and Kindness
Category: Festivals and Samskaras
Duration: 2 min, seconds
Date Given: May 04, 1999

Today at Kauai Aadheenam, May 4th. Greetings to each and everyone of you in cyberspace. It is darshan time here at Kauai Aadheenam. Our cyberspace ashram doors are open and our hearts are open to each and everyone of you.

Another question has come up regarding the sacraments within Hinduism.

As we know, there are four major denominations - Sakta, Smarta, Vaishnavite, Saivite. Each one has a little bit different sacrament for the children and the adults. But on the whole, they are fairly simple, similar and consistent. Usually done by the father in the home in brahmin families if they know all the mantras. In today's world, they are performed mainly in the temple with the priest performing the mantra or having the priest come to the home.

Traditional Hindus consider it extremely important to give the proper ceremony at the proper time in a child's life, and to make a religious impression go deep into his mind early on. Children have many impressions in their minds. For instance, if you allow them to play killer video games, you train them to be a killer. That killing is a solution to solving a problem really quickly, is impressed in their inner mind.

Parents who beat their children at an early age, teach them that hitting another is a way to solve a problem very quickly. They beat their dogs, their friends and later, they beat their children.

Religion is an institution of love and kindness. Especially Hinduism, which is built on ahimsa - not hurting anyone physically, mentally or emotionally. When we take that to heart, perform these ceremonies for the children at a very early age, right up until they are married, and raise them in kindness and understanding, then, we breed a new generation that is extremely strong and humble. Humility is a strength, not a weakness. We breed a new generation that is, in fact, a new age.

The new age only comes when war stops within the home. If a family can live one month without anyone in the family getting angry, they might eventually turn out to be a new age family.

Aum Namasivaya.
transcription ends

We had a visit from Kauai county's chief-of-police George Freitas who came with two other police officers, Lt Miles Tanabe and Lt. George Klima from Pennsylvania, their wives and a group of young people.

The young people were taken under the wing of Lt. Tanabe who, after observing young people on the streets, hanging around with nothing to do, started thinking of how the community might provide more constructive activities for the youth.

So he started CLOUDS which means

Opportunities for

CLOUDS is sponsored by the Kauai Police Department and the YMCA.

This is Uday and Lalita Shankar with their daughter Tara. After arriving on Kauai their daughter wasn't feeling too well, so they took her to Dr. Brownstein in Princeville who told them about the temple. So they came to visit. It was a great surprise. They are both quite religious and are originally from Bangalore. They used to live in Pennsylvania, but recently moved to Olney in the Washington, D. C. area so that they could be near the Siva Vishnu temple there. Mr. Shankar said "We were so happy to learn about this temple on Kauai, in fact my wife mentioned as we were driving from the airport that she sensed something very special about the island."

Come back for a yatra next time and spend a few days!

Here is a great shot of Gurudeva with his editing team Acharya Palaniswami on the right, Acharya Kumarswami on the left, Sadhaka Japendranatha in the left rear, and Gurudeva. in the back. They are working now on their new G4 Titanium Powerbooks and a wireless ethernet. The next book, Living with Siva is nearing completion. All four machines can view the same document at the same time.

Today we start a retrospective series from the recent mission to Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius. We already posted some photos from Mauritius, so we will begin here with Malaysia:

Yoginathaswami meets Dr. Sothinathan who is owner of an important Malaysian firm called Uma Publications. Dr. Sothinathan has for several years been working in close collaboration with Himalayan Academy Publications to get Gurudeva's publications printed in Malaysia.

Here is the printer that Dr. Sothinathan has contracted to print Gurudeva's books. A. Selvam is in charge at the printing company which has 99 percent Hindu shareholders and print the books at very low prices as a way of "giving back" to the Hindu Dharma. They also do an outstanding job in terms of quality work as good and sometimes better than US printers. Sannyasin Yoginathaswami tours the press. His traveling companion, Sadhaka Jivananandanatha, is behind the camera.

A meeting at a temple in Ipoh. Where Sannyasin Yoginathaswami holds a "book signing" showing and explaining our publications.

Another great Malaysian soul, Arjunan Subramaniam, created an endowement for the printing and distribution of Saivite Hindu Religion books for children. These are printed by Uma Publications and freely distributed to little ones throughout the nation. Here is one given out at Ipoh.

At the end of the event, the traditional blessing from a swami: holy ashes.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

We conclude our photo report on the magical
kumbhabishekam at the town of Bon Accueil on 14
February. Here, blessing is sought from a young
cow, from all cows in the world, and from all
other gentle creatures... AUM.

Here is one of the event's colorful priests. He came to Mauritius from Nagpur, India, when he was nine years old. He asked his picture be taken next to Gurudeva. Our photographer was glad to oblige.

Later, these elegant devotees, seen here bringing offerings, chanted a spirited bhajan to Gurudeva, one which must have been created in Bon Accueil, for we had never heard it before.

Here is a Gurukkal from Sri Lanka, Dinesh Sharma Harihar Shastri, who also wanted to have his picture taken with Gurudeva... close to his heart. He introduced himself to us as a devotee of Gurudeva.

In the evening, our team of priests treated us to a rare and beautiful performance of the Wedding-of-Siva-and-Shakti ceremony, which soon became clear was a deeply philosophical "wedding" representing the merging point of the manifest and the unmanifest. The two kumbhas (pots) on the left represent and hold the mystical presence of Siva (God unmanifest) and Shakti (God manifest).

And their "wedding" represented the realization of the great Truth which our Paramaguru, Yogaswami of Jaffna, expressed when he said, "There is only one thing God cannot do... he cannot separate himself from you." This is the most joyous "wedding" of all--where He and me are discovered to be eternally inseparable. AUM

Many beautifully arranged offerings are brought to
the Eternally-weds.

After a full marriage ceremony, including
blessing of and tying of the tali (wedding
pendant) unto the Shakti kumbha, two of the
priests embody Siva and Sakti and, tied together
with a white shawl, walk the traditional seven
times around the homa fire.

When the ceremonies are all done, devotees
congregate around the Himalayan Academy book
table where Sadhaka Adinatha (left) and Gurudeva's
student, Vidyaprakash Ganesh, place a blessing
and signature of Gurudeva in each book sold,
answer questions and invite devotees to our
Spiritual Park. Devotees showed a good deal of
interest in what our table had to offer and we
sold an unexpected 20 books.

Many bright people, as these two gentlemen, showed
interest in Gurudeva's teachings. AUM Namasivaya.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Yogaswami has this beautiful song:

Believe in God; Believe in Him with perfect trust. Consider Him as sweeter than the sweetest of earthly joys. Ponder that He is the incomparable One. Reflect on His glory night and day and at all times. Let the constant remembrance of Him fill the interstices of your being. Meditate that, "I am naught--He alone Is." Let the worship of God be the goal of your life. Whatsoever you think, that you become. Cherish the Lord in the recess of your heart. Everything, everywhere is subject to His Will. Ultimately it will be seen that he is All in All.

Natchintanai --372.

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 4

Category: The Guru

Duration: 3 min., 39 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001

Date Posted: February_16_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco. Arthur Pacheco conducts a weekly radio show in Honolulu, Hawaii and is also a trans-medium. This interview is in many parts and in the fourth part today Arthur asks Gurudeva about the different chakras and if society is moving from one chakra to another as a whole. He also mentions that in his counseling work people often ask him if there is something that they are not seeing or doing in their lives and he asks Gurudeva to shed some light on this.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: May_13_1999
Title: The Three Gurus
Duration: 4 min, 13 seconds
Date Given: May 13, 1999

Today at Kauai Aadheenam, the 13th of May. This is Gurudeva. Our cyberspace ashram doors are open. Tomorrow and the next day, we go on retreat and our cyberspace doors will be closed for two days beginning tomorrow.

Now let us talk a little bit about what people do, but what cyberspace flyers should not do, which is, blaming others for what is happening to them or us.

When we blame someone else for what is happening to us, we are simply denying that we know anything about karma. Most cyberspacers know all about karma and reincarnation, the existence of the all pervasive Siva everywhere, holding this whole universe together. When we blame somebody else for what is happening to us, we are denying that we know about the law of karma, that we realize that everything that happens to us is created by us, thrown out into space and it comes around back to us through other people.

There are three kinds of gurus in the world. Your minister, your priest, your rabbi, your imam, your swami - they are your teachers. But your first guru is the mother and father. If we turn our back on mother and father and we don't have a swami, rabbi, imam, priest or a minister, then we go to the third guru. That is the world. We call him Sri Sri Sri Vishvaguru Maha Maharaj and his school is totally crowded, packed all the time with students. He teaches, 'Learn by your mistakes'. It is kind of a situational teaching, to learn by one's mistakes, to learn of making karma and then working out karma and blaming somebody else. Finally we realize that it was only ourself to blame after all. Vishvaguru teaches the long way around, there are no shortcuts in his school. It is a lifetime study for some, it is a lifetime study.

Vishvaguru doesn't mind if you also go to a priest, minister, rabbi, imam, or swami. He also doesn't mind if you listen to your mother and father occasionally and learn by their mistakes, learn by their lessons and their successes of what to do and not to do. He is very tolerant in this respect.

Why do we have three gurus? Because we are on this planet to learn. The soul is unfolding through experience and understanding the lesson we get out of the experience.

We will expand on this not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow but the following day, when cyberspace doors are open for all our cyber cadets.

This is Gurudeva wishing you a wonderful retreat. Now for French, Tamil language and Malay.
transcription ends

Today was the regular Sun One Homa. At the very beginning of the homa a small sandalwood paste ball is prepared with a small piece of durva grass. This represents Lord Ganesha and, as in all Hindu ceremonies, He is first worshipped to remove all obstacles to the success of the ritual.

Next the two Kumbha pots are worshipped and the devas are invoked to take their place in the pots.

Then the fire worship.

This is a time when deep meditation in conjunction with the sacred rites brings a confluence of ancient Vedic mantras, the temple rites and the practice of Raja Yoga--authentic Hindu culture. It is quite a contrast to the modern western culture that has adopted Hindu yoga and meditation but which is completely removed from the religious context in which these practices evolved.

Ladies on the other side of the room -- intent on the inner world connection that is gradually opening through the worship.

After the arati is passed, the flame is taken around to the devotees.

Traditionally the devotee passes the finger tips through the flame and touches the eye lids three times. This transfers the blessing of the rites to the worshipper. Esoterically, the devas invoked by the ceremony are able to "follow" the flame from the inner worlds as it passes through the crowd of devotees. Then they can see and bless each one in turn.

The weekly worship at San Marga. Our ladies pass the arati flame as the outdoor homa is raised.

Everyone sings the Arati song.

A lovely bronze statue of Lord Shiva as "Vinadhara"--He who holds the musical instrument called the "Vina,"-- the Lord of culture, music and dance.

Meanwhile our next issue of Hinduism Today nears its deadline. Hundreds of photos have arrived from the Kumbha Mela, by photographer Amit Kumar along with pages and pages of interviews that were taken by our intrepid journalist, Rajiv Malik who trekked through the camps, seeking out the saints and sages. He taped their interviews in Hindi and spent hours transcribing them to English. Now with all materials in hand the task of crafting a feature story for the magazine will go on for a week or more. Our managing editor, Arumugaswami (left) on the left reviews the submissions with art director and staff writer Natarajnathaswami who will actually edit and pull together the final article.

Santhanam and Lavanya here for the day from California.

This is a devotee of Amritanandamayi Ma who comes each year from Europe with his wife for a pilgrimage to Ma's center on the big island. On their way through the Hawaiian islands they like to come and worship and meditate at our temple before going home.

Sanjay plucks bilva leaves as his wife Dharmishta looks on. These leaves are sacred to Lord Shiva and are in high demand for the up-and-coming worship of Lord Shiva on Maha Sivaratri night which occurs later this week. Having bilva leaves for worship at the temple makes the ceremony that much more auspicious.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

At dawn on February 14th. The three resident Sadhakas were invited to attend the kumbhabeshakam at a new temple a "Siva-Shakti Mandir" in the town of Bon Accueil (meaning "Nice Welcome"), not far from our Mauritius Hindu Monastery.

The temple was conceived and made manifest over the past twelve years by Ajay Caholessur, known affectionately as Bhai Shiv, who felt inspired by Gurudeva and his teachings in this pursuit. Indeed, Gurudeva's was quite present during this wonderful day. Here, he looks on from the central altar as a priest performs abheshekam (oblation) to Lord Siva.

The day was full of sweet surprises. Ajay had, for example, managed to bring together for the occasion nine very fine priests who created a truly magical event--among them, six Sivacharyas from Tamil Nadu, India. The beautiful harmony among these fine souls from North and South Indian traditions created a lot of magic in itself.

It was a delight to watch this fine team of priests performing their craft, singing and gradually bringing the divine into the physical realm. The Sivacharya on the right is the head priest at the Murugan Temple at L'Escalier, on the South Coast of Mauritius, and on the left a Sivacharya who was trained near Bangalore at the ashram of Sri Trichyswami--one of India's great saints and mystics, and a long-time friend of Gurudeva.

We were moved to be able to witness and share in such an intimate and precious part of India--one that is living and thriving right here, in our unknown little corner of Mauritius.

The priests performed in such a way that significance of each part of of the consecration. Here, for example, a young lady offers Lord Shiva His first kuthuvillaku (sacred lamp), or dedicate the light that will never go out as long as people live here. One by one, the elements of the living temple come to life. Another wonderful aspect of this wonderful day is that it blends the traditions of two of Mauritius' principal communities--North and South Indian. The three main deities, for example, are Lords Ganesha, Murugan and Siva. And, Bhai Shiv annouced, the three main temple festivals clebrated by this temple will be Ganesha Chathurthi, Skanda Shasti and Maha Sivaratri. It was a historic and happy coming together. AUM Namasivaya.

Now, Bhai Shiv (holding the picture of Siva) symbolically becomes Siva himself and is welcomed as such to His Home, the temple. His feet are washed by the humble Sivacharyas. Now we all witness Lord Siva, for the first time entering this, His new abode.

Now that Lord Siva has entered the place, thereby transforming it into a temple, the devotees follow and thus also play their part in making the place into a living temple.

Now, Bhai Shiv, as the living Siva, faces Siva as the image. Having been one with Shiva, Bhai Shiv has now becomes His priest, and is now the Siva-Shakti Mandir's priest. Tomorrow, we will share with you more photos, people and tales of this beautiful event. AUM Namasivaya.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

The monastery was "humming" today as Gurudeva joined us in the morning for some important weekly meetings. The first was "Publisher's Desk" at which he reviews with the staff of Hinduism Today upcoming articles and directions for the content of the magazine in the future.

Yogaswami says:

"Realise your true self and that is the highest service you can render on earth--not your father, not your mother--not your children but it is you--Lo, fellow worker--Siva thonda! It is you who needs His Grace to see yourself by your own efforts, as you truly are. Tapas--Austerity, and Thanam--Charity, should be practised ceaselessly. Consider any sacrificial offering to the Lord's Feet as an offering to the 'Meyadiyar,' bondsmen of Truth. God is the indwelling self of all beings and hence this is a beautiful world, where there can be really no intrinsic harmfulness, no malignant forces, no malevolent reactions and no evil."

"Tis bliss to adore the Feet of the Guru.
'Tis bliss to consecrate our service to the Guru.
'Tis bliss to ponder on the words of the Guru.
'Tis bliss to surrender wholly unto the Guru."

--Natchintanai. 122.

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 3

Category: The Guru

Duration: 2 min., 52 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001

Date Posted: February_13_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco. Arthur Pacheco conducts a weekly radio show in Honolulu, Hawaii and is also a trance-medium. This interview is in many parts and in the third part today Arthur and Gurudeva talk about how often the Kumbha Mela takes place. Gurudeva then explains that the time of it is determined astrologically. Gurudeva then talks about how Hindus view astrology and what an important role it plays in the lives of Hindus.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: February_12_2001
Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 2
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 10 seconds
Date Given: January 27, 2001


Hello, Hello.


Yes, Arthur. Arthur Pacheco, nice to talk with you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been telling the listening audience a little bit about yourself and your work. I am just really, really happy you could make the time for us today, thank you so much.

Well, it is just a real big pleasure for me, it really is, to talk to the wonderful people on the Hawaiian Island.

Yes, yes. Gurudeva, I thought that what I might do is, prepare a few questions to ask you if that's okay?

That's just fine, ask anything that you want.

Okay. Thank you, thank you.

If I don't want to answer it, I'll just say, "I am not answering that, Arthur."

Thank you so much. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend of mine on the Big Island and she mentioned something about the Kumbha Mela. A great meeting I know, that occurs in India. She said it had just occurred. So I was wondering if you could tell us anything about that and what its significance might be.

Well actually, we are just receiving satellite pictures of the Kumbha Mela of about 25,000,000 people all gathered to take a great bath in the Ganges, to purify themselves for this and their future life. The largest human gathering on earth. We have our representatives there.

First, I must tell our listening audience that we print a magazine called 'Hinduism Today', an International magazine, representing the Hindu religion. In fact, it is the only one representing the Hindu religion of over a billion people. One-sixth of humanity is Hindu. Even more, because, if you believe in reincarnation, the law of karma and the existence of an all-pervasive God, obviously you are not a Christian, you are not a Jew and you are not Muslim.

The Kumbha Mela is for Hindus and there are 25,000,000 gathered. Yesterday was the big day, a big auspicious day. We are doing an international publicity program for it after it is over, with satellite pictures. Our representatives and photographers are there from New Delhi, enjoying it and also getting stories, of pertinent questions we are asking several of the several thousand or even 50,000 holy men and women there, about their message to the world. We will be reading it in 'Hinduism Today'. In fact, when you get your copy, Arthur, you can read these pertinent points to our listening audience.

Okay, I will. Thank you, thank you.
transcription ends

Gurudeva reviews here the list of articles coming in the next issue. The roster is prepared by the managing editor, Sannyasin Arumugaswami and Gurudeva gives his guidance for editorial focus, future articles to consider and listens to the details.

Next, the "Pancha Meeting," where five areas of service are quickly reviewed with the staff involved: Himalayan Academy books, Hinduism Today subscriptions, Innersearch travel study program, Church tithing and Hindu Heritage Endowment. Keeping everything going forward on track.

It was a wonderful sight to have our two monks home after their "worldwind" trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius. Here is Sannyasin Yoginathaswami after a good night's rest. We will be featuring photos of the mission trip as we go along.

Yoganathswami meets and "debriefs" with some of the Ekadanta Kulam staff, Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Mahadevan. The latter two spend weeks in advance coordination for any mission travel.

Sadhaka Jivananandanatha back at his station as the assistant of the managing editor. With his kitty. . .Tyaf, happy to have him home again after nine days.

This was Sadhaka's first major world travel experience (though he did go to India as a baby). Asked what struck him the most, he said "It was wonderful to be with Gurudeva's devotees, they are all such kind and wonderful people. It's also wonderful to come home!" The duo were going non-stop for nine days and didn't get much sleep...

Today was the last day of the phase bringing the regular size group of seekers for "tour day."

Our temple is open 365 days a year in the morning for Hindu pilgrims to come and worship.

Sadhaka Japendranatha here working on his new G4 "Titanium" MacIntosh Powerbook. Gurudeva and our editing team got these to do their work which is often in a "mobile" situation and they no longer have the big desktop model...the Titanium can do it all.

Using a wireless "Airport" network Gurudeva and his editing team create a small four machine network, where each one can see the text on the screen. Gurudeva will review every single word, phrase, sentence and paragraph of his books, working consistently day after day, week after week. Some time ago he took a vow to not leave the island and worked 7 days a week every afternoon for three years to complete the fabulous "Merging with Siva, Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics." The work goes now... now with Living with Siva nearing completion in the months ahead.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

Mrs. Renu S. Malhotra, President of "Seed the World" has written articles for Hinduism Today and visited Kauai Aadheenam here in Hawaii. We suggested she visit our temple carving site, which she did on a recent trip to India

Author Renu Malhotra holds an MBA degree and has three children. She and her husband
own an environmental engineering company. She established "Seed the World"
in 1996 to help women and children in rural areas of the world to gain
empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Thuraisingam sends these captions:

Madam Renu standing beside the Palagai. This portion will be placed facing
downwards on top of the pillar.

Here we have assembled all the tools that are used for carving Iraivan. No machines and modern gadgets.

Here, Madam Renu is showing two hand made "compasses". These are used for drawing circles. We have big compasses which can draw a 3 feet diameter. These are made from dried bamboo.

This is a close-up view of the tools. On the left you can see a piece of coconut husk. These are used for cleaning the stone dust.

A completed chain with 7 rings. It will be shipped with the other stones in the containers to Kauai.

Madam Renu is so excited holding the stone chain which weighs about 10 kilos.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

We continue sharing photos of Yoginathaswami's recent whirlwind visit. On his last morning in Mauritius he came to the Saiva Dharmasala, the Spiritual Park. Here he's shown with a dear soul, the Gurukkal priest of the Goodlands Siva Temple. Preparations are under way to begin a special ceremony for some of Gurudeva's close devotees.

The priest, swami and monks invoke the power and blessings of the Gods. Through mantra and the fire a spiritual vibration envelopes the Ganesha Mandapam. The priest will signal the auspicious time to begin the initiations. Today our Gurudeva will greet his devotees and give initiation by telephone from Hawaii.

Through diksha, initiation, the Guru catalyzes and empowers spiritual unfoldment by enlivening the kundalini power of the devotee. Diksha provides the spark to clear barriers. The inititiate is granted access to new areas of inner consciousness. With the initiation comes a new course of study and new responsibilities.

Sadhaka Jothinatha sits with the swami to translate certain portions of the initiation ceremony. Here he's seen reading the meaning of the Vishesha Diksha from our Saiva Dharma Shastras in French so that both the English and French portion of the devotees' subconscious minds will appreciate the vows they are about to take.

Vishesha diksha marks the devotee's formal entrance into the Sri Subramuniya Rishi Gotra, Gurudeva's spiritual family. The devotee then becomes a confirmed member of Saiva Siddhanta Church. After this initiation, the devotee, affectionately known as a chela, is obligated to personally perform daily the Saiva Atmartha Puja, which now has new power.

Pictured are: Sivan and Poospawadee Koothan, Rajen & Premila Manick, Seedha Lutchmee Moonesawmy,Souria Kumaran & Moilavadee Moorghen, Parmesh & Oomavadee Pallanee, Mougam & Saranamutha Pareatumbee, Anba Valayten and Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum. They all listen to Gurudeva and Acharya Palaniswami on the speaker phone before repeating their vows together.

Soondiren Arnasalon speaks directly to Gurudeva to receive his mantra
diksha. This initiation, also known as samaya diksha, is the fundamental Saiva initiation, for through it the devotee is formally connected to a particular lineage by virtue of the preceptor's spiritual power and authority.

Vijayam Arnasalon receives her samaya diksha also. Samaya diksha is the blessing and empowering to enter the life of worship and devotion and perform certain daily sadhanas, including chanting the Panchakshara mantra, Aum Namah Sivaya, each day at least 108 times on a mala of rudraksha beads.

Teeruvumbala Devi Iyaloo receives her mantra from Gurudeva. The mantra quiets the mind, harmonizes the nerve system, bringing forth knowledge from within reminding the sishya of his purpose in life and relationship with Lord Siva.

Through our study course in brahmachariya-- purity in thought, word and deed, ( available online at /books/virtue/IntroVirtue.html )--our children learn about the cycles of life, the principles of virtue and the value of preserving the vital energies in preparation for the life ahead. When the time is right they take the vow of brahmacharya, celibacy until marriage. Until marriage they will wear a sacred cord around their waist as a token and reminder of their vow. Here is Gayavatee Canagasaby making her vow in front of Gurudeva and all the devotees.

Amouda Koothan also took the Brahmacharya vrata.

Amouda's mom (upper left) prepares the cord to tie around her waist.

Our wonderful priest Ganesan Nagarathinam Natesan Gurukkal poses with his wife after the ceremony . Aum Namasivaya!

This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva continues to work on the Nandinatha Sutras. And around noon today he met the returning mission team who arrived back from their trip to Asia and Africa (see news below.)

Our Paramaguru Yogaswami says:


Son! Thou art fused in all life;
Know this and live and let live.
Chant thou the auspicious Name
Not forgetting e'en for a split second.
Conquer friction caused by action;
Than That there's no other Reality.
E'en the Three will render you service
If you'll o'ercome the e'er sprouting anger.
There'll not be anyone in this wide world
Who can measure up to thee in goodness.
Let your acts be spontaneous and free
And link thyself to contemplation true.
Realise that Anma has no origination,
Neither can it suffer dissolution.
Know that devas and seers shed lustre
Indwelling in thy consciousness.
Son! Intrinsic evil there is not,
Truth alone is perfection absolute.
These are the words of Gurunathan,
worship with devotion and rejoice.

--Natchintanai. 139.

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 2

Category: The Guru

Duration: 3 min., 10 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001Title

Date Posted: February_12_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco. Arthur Pacheco conducts a weekly radio show in Honolulu, Hawaii and is also a trans-medium. This interview is in many parts and in the second part today Arthur asks Gurudeva about the Kumbha Mela and they talk about how often it occurs and the amount of people that attend it.
Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 2
Category: The Guru
Length: 3 min., 10 seconds
Date Given: January 27th 2001

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 1
Date: February_11_2001
Category: The Guru
Duration: 2 min., 37 seconds
Date Given: January 27, 2001

Aloha, thank you for joining us, 'Voices in the Wind'. I will usually have a guest that comes on and the guest will either be with me here, live in the studio or will call in from wherever they are.

We will be guesting today a man, who has contributed quite a bit to my own spiritual growth and development. This man is what we would call a 'Satguru', one of those very rare and wonderful souls, who through the long process of evolution has hit a point where he has been able to move through and break through the layers and levels of human consciousness. Going deeper and deeper and deeper within himself, until he has hit that point of what we call, 'Self-realization'.

So today I have been graced, I don't know what other words to say, to have this man. His name is Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. We affectionately call him 'Gurudeva'. He has consented to call in and so in a few minutes, we are going to hear his voice. He will be calling in from Kauai and of course, we will have him on the air.

Today I will not be taking call-ins, simply because of the nature of the man himself. I feel that the very nature of his presence and what he has got to say is such, that I think it is probably more important than anything I have got to say and, frankly, that anyone else has got to say, that I know of.

I first met him back in, I believe it was 1973 or 1974. At that point, I began to take what is called His 'Master Course', which is a three-month training program that is actually done on cassette tape. There is a certain way to do it. I was fortunate enough to be living in Halava valley, as I have mentioned to some of you, and had two years of uninterrupted time, literally to just sit in this tent and meditate. It was wonderful, probably the best time of my life, in some ways. I would sit and listen to these tapes in the way it was prescribed and had wonderful experiences, breakthroughs, you name it.

As Gurudeva has explained, to seek out the deeper mysteries of life, one automatically moves towards the mystical. What is a mystic? A person who lives one-third in the external world and two-thirds in the internal world. He outlines the mind in a way I have never heard before and I have been in this work since I was a kid. We should have him call in anytime. In fact, I think he might be calling now, is he?
transcription ends

Retrospective shot from Thai Pusam. . .Thambynathan Nutanaya stands in the shrine with Lord Muruga.

We didn't show the chaos and the paint-covered faces that have been the order of the day for several weeks in our Ekadanta Kulam office. . .Now that the renovation is finished. . .Saravananathaswami stands back blissfully looking at the results of a lot of hard work.

20 years of wall paper were removed and the walls covered with a lovely, natural "halahala" mat.

The newly painted white ceiling makes the whole place bright.

Our guests today. From left to right: Donna, wife of the Producer of the Kevin Costner movie that is being filmed nearby "Day of the Dragonfly", in the middle Ingrid, the daughter of one of the camera men on the set and his wife, Annie Semler, in red. On the right, a Siva bhaktar from Oregon. The ladies said the movie company was spending US$30,000.00 an hour while on Kauai, 24 hours a day. It rained hard the other day and they lost $300,000.00 in one day of down time. All the husbands couldn't leave the set to visit, because they are working hard to catch up on the shoot. In a day or so they will fly back home in a jet loaned to them by good friend Robin Williams. Part of the group of actors were 200 indigenous tribals flown to Kauai all the way from Venezuala.

The movie has a mystical bent as the character played by Kevin Costner looses his wife tragically, but she speaks to him through the near death experiences of the tribals in the rainforests of South America.

Film makers love Kauai and they really are a big help for our small island economy.

Meanwhile things are quiet at home. . .and the fun news is from Mauritius:

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

We continue sharing photos of Yoginathaswami's recent whirlwind visit to Mauritius. He and Sadhaka Jivanandanatha brought many blessings on Gurudeva's behalf to share at several satsangs held in famiy homes around the island. Here Swami gives rudraksha beads (from the rudraksha trees at Kauai Aadheenam) to the Koothan family, the brother and sister-in-law of our satsang host in Chemin Grenier.

Sadhaka Adinatha with Parameshvaran Ramsamy (left.) Aroulen Naiken (center) stepped in to help sell Gurudeva's new book, "How to Become a Hindu."

The Doorgiat family greet the swami.

Swami watches the sunrise at the Villas Point aux Roche on the southern coast of Mauritius. There is no coral reef on this side of the island. It's a lovely spot where the waves from the open ocean break on the shore.

Devotees gather at the Rose Hill home of Parmesh Pallanee (center) for a mid morning satsang with swami.

As the homa fire dies down the devotees come for blessings. Swami gives vibhuti and rudraksha on behalf of Gurudeva.

Receiving the symbols of Siva awaken joy in the heart!

Evening finds swami at Manon Mardemootoo's home near Grand Baie on the north coast.

Singing the lovely devotional songs of Yogaswami helps to build a strong spiritual vibration around the homa fire.

Dad is showing her how to express appreciation by offering flowers to swami.

Manon Mardemootoo and his spiritual extended family pose with swami.

Early the next morning swami visits the home of Rajen and Premila Manick in Goodlands.

This day last year was a retreat. No page was archived.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva seated on the Peetham--the seat of the Guru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam. Its a quiet day at the Aadheenam. . .everyone focused on their work. Gurudeva is still working on the "Nandinatha Sutras," for Living with Siva.

Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 1

Category: The Guru

Duration: 2 min., 37 seconds

Date Given: January 27th 2001

Date Posted: February_11_2001

Cybertalk: Today's cybertalk is a radio interview with Gurudeva conducted by Arthur Pacheco of station K-108 in Honolulu. This interview is in many parts and in the first part today Arthur introduces Gurudeva to his radio show listeners and tells them how much Gurudeva has influenced his life since their first meeting more than 25 years ago.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: February_06_2001
Title: Physical Pain
Category: Soul
Duration: 1 min., 08 seconds
Date Given: February 04, 2001

A question from a cyberspace cadet in Malaysia, wondering about physical pain. "How can we keep reminded that we are a spiritual being, when we have a period of our life going through physical pain, illness and unhappiness?"

Well, we must remember one basic thing. We are not our physical body, not our emotions, not our minds nor our intellect. We are the beautiful soul that is shrouded by external mind, or covered up by emotions. We live in a physical body, live in an astral body. That is who we really are. If we realize we really are the soul, nothing can touch us, the real us.

The real you is living inside, whatever your physical body is going through, whatever the emotions you are going through or whatever your intellect is dealing with.
transcription ends

Hindu ceremonies and temple culture are rich and full of color, art, nature. . .here are the ladies from our Kauai Mission. Little Sandya sleeps in her mother's lap. Children are always welcome at Hindu events. If they cause a fuss the mother will take the child away for a few minutes and then when the child calms down, bring him or her back to the temple or satsang event. In this way the little ones are immersed in spiritual life from a very young age.

Red and white stripes adorn the side of Kadavul Shiva Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery. The red and white stripe motif is a traditional one for Hindu temples. Sometimes painted on massive walls, the white represents Shiva and the red represents Shakti. Easily seen from a great distance it uplifts the heart and guides the pilgrim to his destination.

Thambynathan Nutanaya is very happy here, just about to wind up his "vacation" as all his school books arrive this week and he will be starting Grade 7 studies, right here in the monastery itself. One of his daily chores is to take care of the bird cage.

Natyam Tyaganatha our temple priests introduces him to some of our Cockatails.

They are quite tame and used to human contact.

Hold up your hand with some bird feed and they will fly right down to you.

First hand training for our young man. . ."First learn to love birds, then fish, then animals, then man. . .only in this way will you come to Realize the Self." --a message Gurudeva gave the monks years ago.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

While things are quiet at Kauai Aadheenam our team of Yoganathaswami and Sadhaka Jivananandanatha has nearly wrapped up its mission of bringing "light, love and upliftment" from Kauai to our members in Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius.. . .Our monks in Mauritius share with us some of the events that took place there over the past week.

Here is swami being greeted with garland at the base of the steps to
Kulapati Sivan Koothan's home in Chemin Grenier on the south coast of
Mauritius. Swami had just arrived on the island two hours before.

Many of Gurudeva's devotees and old friends have been invited to a satsang
with swami here tonight.

Kulamata Poospawadee Koothan greets swami with the the traditional waving of
the arti lamp at the doorway to her home.

While the guests arrive Grihini Indranee Ramsamy greets Yoginathaswami and Sadhaka
Jivanandanatha. Devarajen Sellamuthu can be seen to her left and Sadhaka
Adinatha to her right.

Sivan Koothan and swami offering ghee, grains, flowers and written prayers
into the homa fire.

By the end of the satsang 40 people had gathered. A good group came from
Mahebourg and some from Vacoas. Swami gave news about Gurudeva and
introduced all of Gurudeva's books, including the just released "How to
Become a Hindu." Gurudeva's signature was placed in all the books that were
sold that night. In the back you can see the book table.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva says he is very close to completing all the work on Living With Siva. He is going through the Nandinatha Sutras now, reviewing all the input sent by members and monks over the past year.

There is no audio today. Have some fun. . .visit the detailed index of Gurudeva's past inspired talks on the archive server.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: February_05_2001
Title: Odic, Actinodic and Actinic Forces, Caste System
Category: Meditation and Yoga
Duration: 2 min., 57 seconds
Date Given: February 04, 2001

A cyberspace devotee in Michigan asks, "Do you have any guidelines to establish the difference between the odic, actinodic and actinic forces within the body?"

In 'Merging with Siva', the book of 365 daily lessons, we go into this very thoroughly. If you have 'Merging with Siva', check out the glossary for actinic, actinodic and odic force.

In short, the physical body is an odic structure. The energy within the physical body is actinodic, with two vibrations coming together, the higher vibratory pranas and the lower vibratory pranas. The actinic is the spiritual mind. The existence of your soul is the actinic force within you.

A question coming in from a cyberspace devotee in Malaysia, on caste. "Everything is beautiful in the Universe but the caste system. Was that created by God or was that created by humans? Why is it so rigid in India?"

Well, the caste system in India is basically lopsided because the ruling caste, the kshatriya caste, is out of commission. Therefore, we have the brahmin caste, of priests, that used to be supported by the kshatriya caste languishing. Business is languishing and of course, more than often crops are failing. It takes the four castes in any society. Here in the United States, we have four castes but it is called a class system.

In Malaysia, I know it is a very big problem. Higher caste won't talk to lower caste. If the daughter marries a lower caste person, nobody will ever talk to her again. Her parents won't talk to her. This is so hurtful.

I would suggest in Malaysia, the caste system be thrown out entirely. It is an unwelcome hangover from an illustrious past, no longer functional. It is actually against the law in India too.
transcription ends

At homa fire we have a close up of the famed "kumbha pots". They are two brass pots carefully decorated, on top is a coconut on the left is a small statue of Lord Hanuman who is invoked to assist with the building of the Iraivan temple. They all sit on a tray of rice. Note the red thread that is wrapped around the pots.

The red thread is also tied around the homa fire. During the worship, the power of the fire ceremony is transferred into the water in the pots.

On Gurudeva's seat we have a pair of sandals carved in granite representing his presence.

Sadhaka Tyaganatha performs the ceremonies. The 'sankalpa" is the beginning when the "declaration of intent" is made.

Invoking the inner beings within. The power of the priest's visualization is a key to the effectiveness of the ritual.

Paramacharya Bodhinathaswami presides. In the ancient Vedic tradition there were four priests, the hotri performed the ceremony, while another priest did chanting and a third simply sat in contemplation, the power of his concentration on the inner meaning of the rituals is another key to the success of the ceremony.

Making oblations, rice and clarified butter.

Gradually the fire is raised until it begins to dance and come alive like a being has come to join us in the temple. Agni, the great "messenger of the Gods" has arrived.

There is now a powerful focus in the temple as the "gateway between the three worlds" begins to open.

As the worship proceeds, the Fire itself becomes the representative of the Divine and a doorway into the next world.

All stand for the final rites.

Blessing the rice offering, which is then placed around the fire on the four sides of the altar.

Of all the forms of worship in Hinduism, the Agni Hotra is the oldest and a common denominator across all the various denominations within our religion. In fact the performance of the ceremony is finding ever new strength and proponents as the fire is invoked around the world with prayers to God and the devas to bring peace and prosperity. It has special relevance at this time of environmental "crisis" as the ancient ceremony has a deep power to reorient us to a natural order, to be in tune with the elemental forces of nature with a deep sense of respect and an inward prayer to bring the forces of dharma to bear in our modern day lives.

Then off to the open air parade at the Iraivan temple site as usual. Getting ready to sing the Arati song.

Om Jai Jagadish Hare
Swami Jai Jagadish Hare
Bagta jano ke sankata
Das jano ke sankata
Palame doorakare
Om Jai Jagadish Hare

Joy and peace and love
Shine them brightly in our hearts
Swami shine them brightly in our hearts
Shiva when we think of you
Shiva when we think of you
Shed karuna on us all
Om Jai Jagdisha Hare

Sweep away our barriers and failings
Grant us all bhakti and faith
Swami grant us all bhakti and faith
Guide us all to serve your servants
Guide us all to serve your servants
We offer Seva at your feet
Om Jai Jagdisha Hare

Om Jai Jagadish Hare
Swami Jai Jagadish Hare
Bagta jano ke sankata
Das jano ke sankata
Palame doorakare
Om Jai Jagadish Hare

Raising the fire at the temple site. More good news. . .six containers of carved stones in India are preparing to depart for Kauai. The port has been a bit "backed up" in Chennai, but they will be leaving soon.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

February 7th was Thai Pusam in Mauritius-- a national holiday. For the
people of Tamil origin (about ten percent of the Hindu population) it is an
especially important time for worship of Lord Muruga. Thai Poosam Kavadee,
as the festival is known, occurs at full moon time in the Tamil month of
Thai (January/February) when the moon is aligned in the sky with the star of Poosam (or Pushya in sanskrit). The festival involves carrying a kavadi with pots of milk while
walking barefoot in silence for long distances to one's favorite Muruga
temple. There the milk is offered to the Lord. It is a sacred family event
preceeded by nine days of various forms of fasting and austerity and daily
temple visits.

Today we will be going to the airport to welcome our brother monks who are
arriving from Hawaii. So even though we are not participating in the Kavadi
parade we have come to the staging area in Riviere du Rempart to show our
support to Gurudeva's devotees who are participating in the walk. Here is
Sadhaka Jothinatha shown with Moorghen Caremben (center) who has organized
the Kavadee here. One hundred and twenty kavadi carriers have assembled in
the field next to the elementary school to prepare for the pilgrimage to the
temple in Mon Loisir which is a couple of miles away. Paramaseevan
Canagasaby is on the right.

Here's a close up photo of a kavadi. This kavadi has a wooden base and arch
that's decorated with coconut fronds and antheriums. A picture of Muruga can
be seen under the arch. Pots of milk can be attached to the base which will
be carried over the shoulder of the pilgrim. The decoration of the arch is
done the night before. Devotional fervour and elaborate preparation means
that the carrier might get very little sleep.

This young boy will be carrying kavadi for the third year in a row. He's
waiting for the priests to come and prepare him for the pilgrimage.

Here's the Canagasaby extended family waiting to begin their pilgrimage.
Everyone participating in Kavadee wears this color. It is a blazing-sun
summer day. The asphalt road may be quite hot on the bottom of their feet as
they walk!

The priests prepare the pots of milk for the kavadi and insert the silver
vel into the carrier's flesh under a cloth canopy. The priests, assistants
and nearby family are chanting special mantrams. Incense fills the air. Loud
devotional music is playing. The kavadi carrier may have gone into trance.

Gayavatee Canagasaby's vow of silence is made easy by the presence of
Muruga's vel.

Colorful pennants line the street next to the little temple which is the
official starting point of this kavadi walk. This scene is repeated at
temples all over Mauritius. At the main temple in Port Louis, Kaylasson,
there will be 1,000 kavadi carriers assembled today.

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

Blog Archives

Gurudeva continues working on the Nandinatha Sutras every day. . .

Yogaswami sings in this beautiful song to the Mother, the praises of his Guru, Sage Chellappaswami:


Oh mother mine, he came on earth in human form. He whom Brama and Vishnu fail to perceive. He assuaged my griefs and gave me his vision. I was an ignoramus to whom he gave eminent status, and assured me of the innate goodness of heaven and earth. Sivayanama was the mantra He gave me to alleviate my distress.

He bade me give up prejudices and predilections, and endowed me with discrimination to apprehend Truth. His great saying that "We know not," became meaningful to me by his grace, when He and I in non-dual communion experienced bliss.

"Who knows?" was his oft-quoted declaration, and yet to the pious lovers, he revealed the Truth of the ultimate Reality. He and I are inseparable, though infinitely great is his transcendence--

And my glamour for this world vanished in the vigorous life he gave me by the spell of his word. All bespeak his glory. His form I see everywhere; His will moves everything here. If every phenomenom is his form in the world, and everywhere we see his form, then there can be no ill-will, no blemish anywhere. Is that not so mother mine?

--Natchintanai. 52-53.

Title: Ganesha in the home; Five states of mind; Honoring ancestors

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 2min., 16 seconds

Date Given: 01/31/2001

Date Posted: January_31_2001

Cybertalk: A cyber devotee asks if you have a Ganesha statue in the home which direction should he be facing. Gurudeva said that the Gods should always face you and you face the Gods and Lord Ganesha can be in every room in the house. A cyber space devotee in Singapore wonders what happens to the five states of mind after death. Gurudeva says the five states of mind are always functioning. A cybercadet from Europe asks how do we honor ancestors of a different religion? Gurudeva says it does not matter what religion they are because we are honoring their soul.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Do you have questions for Gurudeva? Send to questions@hindu.org.

Please note: Gurudeva only responds to questions from the general public on matters that are suitable for our public cyber audience. Personal or intimate questions sent to this address are not answered.

A detailed index of past inspired talks is available here.

transcription begins

Transcription of One of Gurudeva's CyberTalks
Date: January_28_2001
Title: Temple Protocol, Dream about Gurudeva
Category: Hinduism and Tradition
Duration: 1 min., 10 secs
Date Given:

A question from Yogananda, cyberspace cadet in Southern California wonders about, "What side of the temple do the women stand on and what side of the temple do the men stand on?"

Well, walking into the temple facing the deity, the women go to the left and the men go to the right. In all traditional temples you will find this happening. Untraditional temples sometimes reverse the process because they just don't know.

A cyberspace devotee, Shanrola in the United States, said that he had a dream of me. I was staring straight ahead in a deep state of meditation and he wonders, "What is this all about?"

Well Shan, there are many ways of traveling. I used to travel a lot on the airplane, on the physical plane. But now, it is more efficient and less expensive to visit you in your dreams! So keep your dream door open. Maybe, we will get together again.
transcription ends

Among our "tour day" visitors today was Ruth Gilmore, a Merging with Siva student from Idaho, and Vedic astrologer Kenneth Johnson of Arizona, who is a teacher with the American College of Vedic Astrology. The College offers regular symposiums to promote professional standards in the training and practice of Vedic astrology. Through its practical application in daily life, Vedic astrology has made tremendous inroads into the Western astrological community in recent years. To learn about the next symposium go to www.vedicastrology.org.

Thambynathan Nutanaya is beginning his daily studies after having had a nice break from the time he arrived until now.

Fortunately in our modern age he doesn't have to make copies of books on ola leaves like the Hindu priests of yore.

Here he is making a copy of Book Five of the Master course.

Our "Children's Course" on Saivite Hinduism has been well received by teachers around the world. It contains a complete teacher's guide in the back and also a pretty tough set of adult questions for older people who would like to study their religion from the ground up.

Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami is working the camera now. He took this lovely shot of Saint Tiruvalluvar, the weaver author of Tirukkural.

This "experiment" is a top down shot of Saint Tirumular, author of the famed treatise on yoga known as the "Tirumantiram". This amazing work in the Tamil Language, perhaps 2000 years old, details the ancient teaching of "Siva Yoga" and monistic Saiva Siddhanta. Saiva Siddhanta Church years ago commissioned a translation of the work which was subsequently reprinted and distributed by the Ramakrishna Mission and is available through our bookstore. Another brave soul in Botswana, originally from Tamil Nadu whose family has been deeply involved in the Siddha Yoga tradition of Tamil Nadu, is working on a new translation that should be really a wonderful resource for scholars in the future. We will share with you some of his work next phase.

In our courtyard, where the monastery gathers for noon meals and special meetings, we have these fabulous wooden elephants about 4 feet tall.

Today's lunch, scrumptuous as usual. Rice, dahl, two vegetable curries, yogurt, mango chutney and papadams, standard daily fare.

Acharya Ceyonswami working in his office. He oversees the "Lambodara Kulam" which is the team that is responsible for the temple, the kitchen, the priestly training of the younger monks, the health care of the monastics, fund raising for the Iraivan temple, coordination with the Bangalore carving site, and the occasional astrological charts for muhurthas (auspicious days), compatibility for marriage and career guidance.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

The coverage of Thai Pongal day at the Bangalore worksite continues:

The auspicious moment has arrived:

The milk just boiled out. All hailed " Pongolo Pongal" "Pongolo Pongal"

My mother, having added rice and sugar for the prasadam, is constantly stirring the rice and the milk so that the rice
does not get burnt.

A little later, the sun is showing up.

The place gets brighter and brighter as the sun rises above the trees.

This is Manikandan helping to stir the pongal.

This is the view from the place where the pongal is cooked. You can see a straight path of over 150 feet to the main gate of the carving site.

Iraivan Temple Carving Site, Bangalore, India
An eleven acre site in Bangalore, India, where 75 Indian families live and daily carve the sacred white granite edifice of Iraivan Temple which will soon begin to be assembled on the island of Kauai

Workers are here today to do some small repair on the thatch roof of the Ganesha mandapam. Also they are installing a new nylon netting to make sure the thatch does become damaged in a storm. Cyclone Bindu just passed to the south of the island last week giving us pause to think and time to arrange for storm preparation.

Tying the netting inside the roof. You can see how the little bundles of thatch are arranged on the rafters.

And attaching the netting on the underside of the eaves.

Here's an unusual view of Ganesha. A bird's eye view!

Click here to view this day last year.

"How to Become A Hindu"! Gurudeva's latest book release is now available Hot Off the Press! Visit the Himalayan Academy Book Store Web Site get the book and read the incredible testimonies of the early pioneers from the west who chose to make a full and complete conversion to Hinduism, legally change both their first and last names to Hindu names, change their lifestyles, sever their formal connections to previous faiths and joyously face the challenges in joining the tribe of the Sanatana Dharma

Visiting Kauai's Hindu Monastery
If you are planning to visit Kauai, please go first to our our visitor's page. Thank you.

Click here for information about Gurudeva's travels. He is presently staying on Kauai and has not immediate travel plans.




12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all.

Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.



Sign our guestbook and we will send you a free issue of our global full-color bi-monthly magazine, Hinduism Today.


For those who have been touched spiritually by Gurudeva's work, his books, his guidance, his inspired life and example and even his website, the "Thank You, Gurudeva Fund" has been established within Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Proceeds from this fund last forever; they're not a one-time gift. So gifts to this fund have eternal gratitude built into them. They live on in perpetuity.

Each month Gurudeva receives the income from the fund to be used at his own discretion to promote his work and mission around the globe. He loves this, for he knows that it comes from all the good souls who have met him and studied with him, traveled with him or just talked with him over the years. A contribution to this fund is tax-deductible.

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