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Gurudeva meets with his four Acharyas: on the left, Acharya Ceyonswami and Acharya Kumarswami in the back; in the right foreground, Acharya Palaniswami and behind him, Paramacharya Bodhinatha.

Title: Nature of the Soul

Category: Soul

Duration: 1 min., 22 seconds

Date Given: 03/21/2001

Date Posted: March_30_2001

Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee wants to know about the nature of the soul. Gurudeva says that the nature of the soul is absolute bliss and perfection.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_21_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 13
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 13 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Loni : As we were mentioning, with Gandhi saying, "The future belongs to the women." So, I believe we can work together. It is not a matter of one or the other. I think, we all need to come together and work in harmony.

Gurudeva: It is togetherness situation.

Loni: Yes, it is unified. The unified field, as Einstein said. Now, we are winding down this show, Gurudeva.

Gurudeva: This has been a very nice show. I have enjoyed talking with you.

Loni: So have I! I would like to, maybe just end with, when do you think the temple will be available for people to visit? What is your projection for the completion? What do you see as the future with the temple?

Gurudeva: We look at it as completed, at any point of time. Especially now, with this fantastic 4-foot foundation, over 100 feet long, and 50 feet wide. But, next year, when the stones arrive, you will be able to help chip stones and fit the stones yourself. The entire community will be able to help in building the temple and, it will be a wonderful experience for everyone. We have magnificent pillars, upto 17 feet tall. Some of them are polished black granite, others are white granite. It is going to be one of the wonderments of the United States of America.

Loni: I think so, my goodness! So, it will be open to the public? Or, will you have to be making appointments when this particular structure is finished? How are you going to do it? Because, it is going to be so fabulous, that people are going to, probably, come from all over the world!

Gurudeva: We will have the same programme that we do now. We have Visitor's Day, and will be open from 9 a.m to noon, nearly every day, some days not. So, as I say, it is a place of pilgrimage, where pilgrims will come. Even if they live on the island, they will come like, one week out of the year, for certain spiritual practises. Sitting by the river, practising pranayama, practising hatha-yoga, practising personal meditations, chanting and sadhana. So, it is for that purpose.

Loni: Beautiful! You are travelling an awful lot now. I guess because of the books, and coming out of retreat.

Gurudeva: Just coming out of retreat and I am on way to the country of Mauritius, where we have another center. It is a fantastic 'Spiritual Park'. I will be a guest of the Government there, for 6 days. We are opening this center to the public. I will be going to Singapore. Also, Malaysia. We will be talking to thousands and thousands of people. We are going to talk about a lot of these subjects, of wife abuse and child abuse. Work out methods and ways that we can re-educate the public. That is what we are trying to do, on a very grand scale. Re-educate the public to a better way of managing home-life, with the mother spirit coming up and everyone respecting that.

Loni: That is a wonderful service.
transcription ends

Kulapati and Kulamata, Deva and Tara Katir and their son Kumar in the back. Deva and Tara have been with Gurudeva for about 30 years. One "golden rule" for the family was to ALWAYS live near a temple where Gurudeva and his monks were. It wasn't always easy, but they made it work. Deva is a school teacher now on Kauai. He and Tara are actively promoting "Positive Discipline" on Kauai.

(A note for all our other Kulapatis and Kulamata's... please send pictures of Gurudeva's sishya in different countries, we will post them here on TAKA for everyone to get to know each other!)

Sadhu Paksha, our two phase retreat began today. But we had not made any announcement on the phone system so we ended up with a big tour group on the last day of the phase as usual. This time we had a big group of local people, including 12-year old Okone (in front in shorts) who lives just down the street from the temple. He became a local "tour advocate" and invited some of his school teachers to come to the monastery and conducted part of the tour himself!

Bala Sivaceyon with his son Thambynathan Nutanaya. Before Nutanaya was born, Bala and his wife had planned to offer their son to Gurudeva. As a result, the lucky Nutanaya has had a very special up-bringing. Raised at home in a very religious way, he was sent to India to study for a time at the Guru Kulam in Trichyswami's ashram in Bangalore. Then he returned home and went to school for a year and then came to Kauai Aadheenam where he continues his education in a home schooling course.

When Nutanaya is "of age" he will make his own decision about what to do with his life. Whatever he chooses to do, get married or become a monk, he will have a truly wonderful upbringing that most young men would never get to experience. And with all the high powered departments and older monks around him he gets not only a regular school training but "on the job" experience with a lot of real world tasks.

During Sadhu Paksha, Gurudeva talks to the monks about many deep inner things. Today he elucidated how to use meditation not only for going to deep inner states of awareness, but also for mastering even the mundane tasks of the external world, but working on them from within.

Many thanks to Indivar Sivanathan who is in Honolulu for a while with her father (she lives in Oregon). She sent over these rare plants. Acharya Palaniswami takes a whiff of the incredible "Rose Jasmine." It's a flower with a large head of petals, but with the potent fragrance of the tiny jasmine flower. We plan to propagate these everywhere!

Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

Our team in Bangalore was having some camera difficulties but finally some photos are coming through and we are going to have a great series of stones being prepared to come to Kauai. Here is an overview shot of one area of the temple carving site from a roof-top.

Another "aerial" shot of two of the pillars that stand in front of one of the work sheds.

This is a wonderful shot giving us some idea of the scope of the site. Oh, look... there on the left in the lower corner: stones on palettes, ready to be loaded into containers. And how fortunate they are to be able to grow roses!

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Mr. Seevanand Ramrekha's former student is needing the solace that comes from the sincere worship and communion with Ganesha. So he brought her here to get the book which changed his life -- "Loving Ganesha (Hinduism's Endearing Elephant-Faced God)" by Gurudeva. They came and went so fast we didn't get her name! She'll be back, she said, with her daughter very soon to visit Ganesha.

Virendr Ramgoolam from Bon Accueil brought the Gooroochurn family from London just at sunset to have Ganesha's darshan.

Postcards from Mauritius:

This humble but quaint little building on the grounds of the nearby Labourdonnais sugar estate has been converted into a shop selling the vegetables and fruits produced on the estate. This is actually a nice example of the stone work done by Tamil stone masons brought from Pondicherry in the early 1700's.

The Labourdonnais sugar estate has a great orchard of mango and litchee trees, as well as a very fine nursery. Mango chutney is produced here. Here's one of the Hindu employees displaying a bottle of their chutney. Last year's harvest of mangos from the trees surrounding the Ganesha Mandapam in the spiritual park was purchased by the estate for use in their chutney.

Here's a photo of Brahmachari Rajadeva Alahan in front of another fine example of the stone mason's craft. This is the chimney of the old sugar mill. Chimneys such as this dot the island. In addition to the chimneys and windmill towers of the sugar estates most of the original buildings in the capital of Port Louis were constructed by the masons from India. The same skills that are being used today to create Iraivan temple had migrated to Mauritius and were used for another purpose.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

Gurudeva met with Folco and his wife and their son "Norvalis." They are going to California soon where he will be working on his feature length movie about India's Sadhus. Folco asked many questions and Gurudeva gave him a much deeper perspective of Lord Siva to meditate upon.

Title: Wedding Protocols Part 2

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 2 min 45 sec

Date Given: 03/21/2001

Date Posted: March_29_2001

In part two today of Gurudeva's answer on wedding protocols Gurudeva says that divorce is a new thing in Hindu society and according to traditional priests it is looked at like a person had been widowed.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_20_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 12
Category: The Guru
Duration: 4 min., 01 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Gurudeva: In the United States, we had a very wonderful culture before the First World War. That culture all went away after the Second World War. But, before the World Wars there was no delinquency; that word was not ever mentioned, it didn't exist. the parents were held responsible by the community for the behavior of the kids. Mothers didn't work. They stayed home and they took care of their family. The society grew and flourished. Then, after the Second World War, women had to go out to work and never were at home.That became the culture, or non-culture, that the whole world is following right now. The recipients of that happening are the disturbed youth, who basically are raising themselves. That is why we have gangs now, delinquency now, and all kinds of problems, because Mom is not home, doing her job.

Loni: Yeah. It is a real dilemma, I think, because women want to participate in more than having children and being a mother. If they can do that and also participate in the world in bringing something forth, a creative expression in a book, in dance or whatever. So, I know it is a real challenge for many women, because they see that the men have the opportunity to do both. They can go to work and they can come home. The women really don't have that opportunity. So, I think there is a real dilemma there.

Gurudeva: In my Church, we have a very large, international congregation. Most of them are Asian families. I have one policy. A couple came just day-before-yesterday from London to see me, and they were coming on their honeymoon. I told them, "If you have any problems in your marriage, it is always the husband's fault." I always take the side of the wife. Why do I do that? Because, he brings her into his home, to love and care for her. I said, "We want you to buy her gold bracelets so that she cannot lift up her arms, earrings until her ears hurt, and all the fine things of life. And, then together, you bring children into your home." So, he is responsible for that. To be kind, caring, to be generous, to bring out all those qualities within him. I think, then, the mother spirit also comes up on the other side, in the woman.

It is not like the European idea, 'I am the head of the house. Do what I say, even if I am telling you the wrong thing to do. You have to do it, because I say so, because I am the head of the house.' That we look upon as the profound ignorance, and very hurtful to people who do that. Because, out of it comes no good. The wife gets hurt, the kids get hurt. It is really bad karma for the man who does that. I think you agree, don't you?

Loni: Absolutely, yes.

Gurudeva: So, we are very happy to see this mother spirit coming forward. Whether it is a married lady, or a lady who wants to express herself, as long as she encourages others to take a stand against violence within the home, to take a stand against drugs, to take a stand and to bring it down to earth, so that we have a Drug-free Kauai. We want a Drug-free Kauai. It is the new millennium, isn't it? So, we are asking ladies to do it! I think the ladies are going to do it. Would you help?

Loni: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely!

transcription ends

Gurudeva also met our members from Malaysia in the temple. Bala Sivaceyon prostrates after giving Gurudeva some lovely gifts he brought from Malaysia.

His son Nutanaya is living with us as a premonastic. Bala and his wife raised him for the monastery from the time he was a baby.

Another young man in Malaysia, Thambynathan Gurudasanatha is planning to be a monk. Here is his uncle, Vemalananthan, coming for his first visit to Hawaii. Vemalananthan works in East Malaysia at an Oil refinery and that is where he got to meet Bala Sivaceyon who is a security officer for Petronas, a big Malaysian oil company.

Here is a wonderful Hindu family, originally from Mumbai, India. They now live in Boston. They were on Kauai for a conference and heard about the temple from their hotel employees.

Here is a marvelous photo of the Maha Spatika Lingam: The large six-point Crystal Siva lingam that will be the main Deity in the Iraivan temple. This stone was not carved by man but naturally formed.

Merging with Siva Book Review

Recently Merging with Siva was reviewed by Bob Ledwidge, of Living Traditions. Mr. Ledwidge lives in Australia and is a professional book reviewer. We want to share with you his insights, which show how may people are taking to this life changing metaphysical masterpiece.


>Merging with Siva
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Himalayan Academy Publications, 2001
Softcover (limited edition hardcover also available)

Spirituality in the "new age" has tended to reflect our technological obsessions. It is, usually, verbose, complicated and complex. The problem with this approach is that it works with the mind, even perhaps the emotions, but does not speak to the essential self. So much modern spiritual literature works to compete in the world with secular and mainstream writing, hence rather than really reaching us it simply presents another theory, another technique, a new form of yoga or meditation. This penchant for novelty may fill a consumer need, but does not necessarily feed the soul.

Merging with Shiva is a very different sort of book. Its heart is comprised of 365 short sections which can be read in a year, spending around 10 minutes a day. Each section is very easy to read, simple and written in a direct style, it is only throughout the next day as you think over what you have read that you begin to realize the strength of each message. Merging with Shiva embodies the concept that there is immense power in simplicity. Each section while flowing effortlessly seems to bypass emotions, intellect and body and touch something much deeper. While it may only take 10 minutes to read, one wonders if there is not a lifetime of meaning condensed into each passage. Condensing and distilling - each of these words describe Merging with Shiva. It is as though through a unique alchemical process the secrets of life have been condensed into simple but poignant and powerful expressions.

The beauty of teaching in bite-sized packages is the way in which quite complex subjects can be slowly unveiled. Merging with Shiva is like building a house, each brick is placed onto another until the whole edifice is revealed. This allows us to contemplate individual concepts which interconnect as the whole picture is unveiled. Accordingly difficult and complex matters are taught with an ease which would make many school teachers jealous !

I personally find the Self God, which is included at the start of the book very meaningful. I first came across it many, many years ago in a small booklet I found at a second hand store. It was an ecstatic experience as I read what seemed to be like nectar, juice squeezed from the fruit of spiritual experience. This one booklet led me on a journey that cumulated in my personal contact with the Himalayan Academy. It is included at the start of Merging with Shiva, printed in the handwriting of Subramuniyaswami. At first this seems annoying, even a nuisance; it cannot be quickly read or glossed over. Here, then, is the importance and power of the text. As you work to read each word, phrase and paragraph its message and vision begins to unfold. It is a great way to begin your journey through Merging with Shiva.

There is so much more in this book that it is hard to summarize. There is, of course, good solid background information on the tradition of Saiva Siddhanta: its theology and practise and certainly more than enough to provide one of the better introductions to Shaivism as a living spiritual tradition. But what makes Merging with Shiva so unique is its ability to bring that living tradition within reach of the seeker. It slowly draws the reader into a deep understanding of themselves, the universe and the great "spiritual chain of being" of which we are part. It does so simply, succinctly and yet with great erudition and wisdom.

As a professional book reviewer one can easily become jaded. There are oh so many spiritual titles, all claiming so much. Merging with Shiva is a modest text, there is no new age hype, no outrageous claims, no UFO abductions nor calls to the bizarre or garish. There is a simple and honest presentation of the distilled wisdom of a lifetime and this makes Merging with Shiva very rare and quite unique. In my personal collection I consider it one of the most important books I have.

Its presentation matches its content superbly. It is beautifully illustrated, easy on the eye too and professionally presented.

I commend Merging with Shiva to you, whether you are simply curious or a deep seeker, you will find something of great value here.

Bob Ledwidge, Living Traditions, Australia

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Here's a couple of photos from Mougam Pareatumbee, one of Gurudeva's close devotees in Mauritius. He is the head of the one year old Hotel and Catering Training Center in Flacq. Last Friday was the graduation of his center's first group of twenty trainees-all of whom are now employed. The ceremony was held at the wonderful Le Coco Beach Hotel ( www.lecocobeach.com ) in Belle Mare and was co-sponsored by the Mauritian Chef's Association.

The tourism industry is a major part of the Mauritian economy. The training of chefs here on the island is a fairly recent innovation. (Formerly students had to go abroad.) To lend their support to this training initiative several government ministers attended the ceremony. Left to right: The Honorable Mr Koonjoo, Minister of Co-operatives and Handicrafts, The Honorable Mr S Michel, Minister of Fisheries, Mr Erwin of the Coco Beach Hotel, Mr Manon Mardemootoo and Miss Reena Bara.

The Honorable Mr Fowdar, Minister of Training, Skills Development and Productivity (center in blue jacket) was also on hand. This photo and the one preceding shows Mr Mardemootoo presenting (on behalf of the training center) gift copies of the book "Positive Discipline" to the government ministers. The principles of Positive Discipline are used by Mougam Pareatumbee in his training center.

Mr Varsen Lutchmanen Doorganaden ceremoniously hands Sadhaka Jothinatha his deposit for the Northern European Innersearch cruise this coming August. Varsen is the first Mauritian to sign up for the travel-study program! The trip will involve making some sacrifice. But he's rearranged his priorities. He knows how precious the special time with Gurudeva will be. Come on board the MS Amsterdam with Gurudeva this August and get to know the special people who will be travelling with him. Sign up for the cruise below.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

It was a blessed day as two of the world's great masters meet. Here is Shri Dada J. P. Vaswani, current head of the Sadhu Vaswani Sri Dada is world renowned for his life of service.

Please take time to view today's video. This is one of the temples that Gurudeva is planning to visit during this year's Innersearch voyage in August where we will meet with Hindu communities in Europe�visiting the temples that they have erected and join in the grand celebrations as they welcome Gurudeva to their home. Join him on this pilgrimage travel-study program and take this rare opportunity to spend precious time with him. For more information please visit www.innersearch.org

Title: Wedding Protocols Part 1

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 2 min., 57 seconds

Date Given: 03/21/2001

Date Posted: March_28_2001

Today's Video

Today's video shows the annual chariot event that takes place at one of this year's Innersearch destinations--the Abirami Temple in Denmark.

Cybertalk: Cyberspace devotee Mahendran from Nepal wants to know why his divorced parents cannot attend his wedding. In the first part today Gurudeva says the reason that they would not attend the wedding is so that the wedding couple would only have good impressions placed in their minds on that day. Not seeing a divorced couple during this sacred time means the couple would not have in their minds that divorce is an option at some time in the future.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_19_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 11
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 23 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Gurudeva: Hinduism is matriarchal, patriarchal and a combination of both. In fact, in the State of Kerala, India, the women own the land, they run the home and they are treated like Goddesses. Other places, it is just the opposite. So, it is a very flexible religion.

Here is something very interesting about the temple that we are building. You will like to hear this, Loni. We were working for years to get the temple started. We went to the God Ganesha; that is the Hawaiian God Lono. We went to the God Kumara, Hawaiian God Ku. We went to Siva, Himself. Nothing happened until we went to the Goddess Raja Rajeshwari, in India in a big temple, asked the Goddess to get the temple started and it happened. We had a tremendous big ceremony, invoking the Goddess and the first stone was chipped at that particular time. From then on, very smoothly, the temple came up. So, it took that mother energy to bring the temple to earth.

Now in 'Hinduism Today', many, many of our writers are very astute ladies who understand the man's world and the woman's world and their part within each. We are working very strenuously in Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius. Especially in the country of Mauritius, with lady Ministers of the Government, for woman abuse and child abuse. The purpose is to stop it. In our religion, this is the very first time these subjects have been talked about, since we have been publishing about wife abuse and child abuse in the magazine. It has never been talked about, it has been going on and the women are taking a role now, to stop that happening in their homes. They are realizing, more and more that the mother's place is in the home, to raise the next generation and that her biggest boy is her husband.

Loni: That is putting it mildly! Biggest boy, biggest child.

Gurudeva: That is a full-time job, for a happy home. I just did an article, 'Is your home a house or a hotel lobby?' You know, for a home to be a home, it needs that mother spirit. You need to feel mother at home, you need to feel that warmth. It should be a place that is difficult to leave and you always want to get back as fast as you can, because mom is there. So, we are trying in our religion to recreate that. We have been under the Church of England in India, for such a long, long time. A lot of bad habits have crept into the Hindu community around the world. We are trying to correct those bad habits and replace them with more traditional habits of the Vedic time and so forth.

transcription ends

Sri Dada arrives at the monastery gate and worships the Nepalese Ganesha. He is the successor to his uncle Sadhu Vaswani who began the Sadhu Vaswani mission.

Sri Dada is delighted to be greeted at the temple by Acharya Palaniswami. Dada has met Gurudeva and Acharya Palaniswami at several Global Forums in Moscow and London, and also recently at the Millennium Summit of World Spiritual Leaders held at the United Nations last year. A reader of Hinduism Today, this is his first visit to Kauai Aadheenam.

Sri Dada meets Gurudeva in the Guru Peedam. Gurudeva talks briefly about his world campaign to stop domestic violence, stressing that the Hindu spiritual teaching of ahimsa, non-violence, which is the foundation of the Sanatana Dharma, gives Hindu families a solid foundation to become examples of non-violence in their homes.

Gurudeva passes out his United Nations paper, "For World Peace, Stop the War in the Home" to the guests who are with Sri Dada. His traveling companions are very focused, taking video of the entire meeting.

Sri Dada then gave a wonderfully inspiring message to the monks and family members who were assembled.

His humble demeanor and angelic presence belies the powerful, articulate orator that he is. Sri Dada gave a talk based on the Bhagavad Gita, stressing basic principles: performance of duty, leading to concentration, the importance of inner purification and seven practical points to achieve the goal. Here are some points from his powerful and beautiful message:

Time, make good use of every moment, every minute; silence, keep a daily appointment with God at least twice a day for 20 minutes; noble thoughts, always think of noble thoughts; always seek the lowest place--if you are called to perform a task that puts you in some position, do so out of obedience but otherwise always seek the lowest place; seva--serve others. Dada explained that eventually one will see a light in the head and that light would begin to illumine you from within and then you would come to the place where you would see God. With an impassioned voice he said that if we could plant such people in places around the world, then perhaps in our "tortured modern world" we will be able to bring some solace to others.

Gurudeva signs some books to give to Dada.

Dada said about Gurudeva that "He is one of the great lights, everything he says and touches is full of the love of God."

Gurudeva blesses the great soul. The confluence of two great holy men is a highly auspicious occasion.

Dada greets the monks. It was a joy to be with him. Through Hinduism Today we have been following the Sadhu Vaswami mission for many years and have been constantly inspired by the great work of Sri Dada Vaswani.

We are also honored by the presence of some of Gurudeva devotees from Malaysia. On the right is Mrs. Thamaraveni Sivanesan who is here with nephew on the far left. They came to get blessings for the Tali for her daughter who will be married in California soon. Next to Gurudeva is Bala Sivaceyon, father of Thambynathan Nutanaya, who is studying here at the monastery for a six months to a year before going back home to Malaysia.

Sri Dada J.P. Vaswani and his entourage only had an hour and a half to spend at the monastery. Such a high minded pure soul --Dada always fires the spiritual aspirations of anyone he comes into contact with.

He is especially beloved by the Sindhi people, the community from whence he hails. After the formation of Pakistan, the Sindhi people were forced to emigrate to lands far and wide around the world. And wherever they went, Sadhu Vaswani missions followed. Now.... the "five minute" tour of the San Marga Sanctuary land.

And a brief moment in the Hinduism Today offices.

Hinduism Today and Dada have many common goals in terms of service. One example is the promotion of vegetarianism, of which Dada is a articulate world advocate.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Indrani Veerasamy (center) brought her sister Jaya (left) and her couisin
Ruby Mooneegan (right) who is visiting Mauritius from the UK.

Postcards from Mauritius:
The Poudre D'Or Hamlet post office represents the old.

Postcards from Mauritius:
The Mauritius Telecom tower in Port Louis represents the new.

Vivekanand Ubheeram and his daughter visit the Spiritual Park from Bon

Her sister and cousin have brought a nice yellow verthi for Ganesh.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

The Asokan family came again today and had darshan with Gurudeva.

Title: Karma and laws of the land

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 1 min., 08 seconds

Date Given: 03/21/2001

Date Posted: March_27_2001

Cybertalk: Cyberspace devotee in Singapore wonders about karma and the laws of the land. He asks if jail terms serve as a penance. Gurudeva says it does serve as a penance if you fulfill the laws of the land.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_18_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 10
Category: The Guru
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Loni: Now, let us speak about the the new millennium. Your insights or visions that you see, as far as the new millennium, here on this island. As you know, there is a lot of talk about the Y2K and what is going to transpire into the new millennia. I would like to have your outlook or your perspective.

Gurudeva: Well, knowing how the mind works, Loni, by what we think about and what we feel deeply, we are stimulating a creative process and then we create. So, we feel that all the people that are thinking something bad is going to happen, something bad will probably happen to them. All the people thinking something is good, they are going to create goodness in their lives for the next thousand years. We intend to create goodness for the next thousand years. The Christian calendar does not mean anything to us. We have a five-thousand year old calendar.

Loni: That is right.

Gurudeva: Which starts in April, not in January.

Loni: This coming year.

Gurudeva: Yes, next year. Five thousand one hundred and two, next year I think. We create our future by getting the vision, holding the vision and then making the vision happen or bringing it down to earth. When I was growing up, Loni, everybody knew what they were going to do throughout their whole life, when they were, like, twelve years of age. Life was not very complicated at that particular time. You either knew from the inside or your parents told you or your relatives told you or pointed you in a direction. You chose your direction and everybody got behind you and life was fairly simple then. That has all gotten lost, since we have been through two world wars and that broke down our culture. You wanted to talk about the new resurgence of the mother spirit?

Loni: Yes. In fact, that was very much on my mind. The reason for this is, Kauai has always been looked upon throughout the United States as a very special island of feminine energy. It seems to emanate this. I have just noticed through reading, and through the books that have been coming out that there is this resurgence of what they call the 'Sacred Feminine' or the 'Goddess Energy' and books like 'A God who looks like Me' etc. I would like to have your view on that. I know that, basically, the women look at the world religions as being patriarchal. That is why this movement or possibly the impetus for this movement. But, I think Hinduism is a bit unique in this area.

Gurudeva: Yes, Hinduism is matriarchal, patriarchal and a combination of both. In fact, in the State of Kerala, India, the women own the land, they run the home and they are treated like Goddesses. In other places, it is just the opposite. So, it is a very flexible religion.
transcription ends

Gurudeva honored the elder Amma Sangarapillai of the family who has been taking the lead in the support of Iraivan temple.

Gurudeva blessing Dr. Asokan.

Today was Chellappaswami's Mahasamadhi day. That is the day when Chellappaswami made his passage from this world to the Sivaloka, and by tradition the easiest day to make contact with and receive his blessings. Here is an illustration Chellappaswami that has been placed at the feet of Lord Nataraja in the Kadavul Hindu temple and in the morning puja, arati was performed in his honor. This is the Guru of Siva Yogaswami who was Gurudeva's Guru. Yogaswami sang many beautiful songs about his Sat Guru, including::

"Have you known my Jnana Guru? He is my beloved who
has given me the support of the Mulamantra AUM, and in
compassion he has taken his place in my heart."
--Natchintanai. 54.
He would wander in the precincts of Nallur with a cheerful
countenance, but to no house would he frequent for his meals;
he disliked hypocrisy. Dark in complexion, austere in habits
and clad in simple attire, he was able to eradicate my vices,
What wonder!
In renunciation, he was exemplary: his heart overwhelmed with
the love of God, ever refulgent and immaculately pure, he
enslaved me at Nallur. He slumbered after midnight and he
would keep away the idle and curious folks by spurious outbursts. But he was forbearing with me,
though he would often test me. He set me on the right path. It is to Be still--Summa Iru--
(Tamil Script)--54.
Always he would speak within himself, for so indrawn was he,
and yet he did grant the blessing of a good life to those who
sought him sincerely. He is enshrined in the temple of my heart.
He disliked pomp and show and would repel those who feigned
to worship him; Ah! He enticed me to follow his will.
He attracted me and yet would glower at me, when I drew
nigh unto him. He was averse to the display of any kind
of supernatural powers. Yet irresistible was his impact on me!
No apparent contact whatsoever did he vouchsafe with his
devotees, and yet he exerted such wondrous control over them.
Amazement was not in his code, and hence stupefied mortals
could not have access to him. He led his own true devotees
through bewilderment to the path of wisdom.
He is the Jnana Guru.

--Natchintanai. 53-54.

We remember the great ones who went before us. Without them we would not even be here today. In another song, Yogaswami says:

"Salutation to the Holy Feet of my SatGuru!
He enlightened me with supra-mental conciousness,
Beyond the avenues of sense experiences.
He initiated me to know my inner self.
Look inward and realise, was his benediction.
He showered greater love than that of a mother,
And I consecrated my all at his Feet.
Salutation to the beauteous Feet of Grace!

He was Life of my life, Essence of Self in self.
He granted me the beatitude of a goodly life.
He placed his Feet on my head and protected me.
Away with spurious doubts! Such grace was mine!
He illumined me with one word: Aum.
I understood the world and myself.
He gave me the experience of Oneness.
He was all pervasive like the letter A
Salutation to the feet so fragrant.

Thus did he save me from a life of allurements,
He who was beyond the reach of the See-ers,
He came like me in human form.
And enticed me by love supernal,
I learnt to walk with him on the right path.
Hail omniform light of Nallur that captivated me!
Salutation to the Holy Feet of my Guru!
"Shed all your supporting ties and bonds," so saying
My benevolent Guru vouchsafed such grace.
His Blessed Feet Hail. All Hail.

--Natchintanai. 55-57.

Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

Another wonderment of the Iraivan temple will be a giant stone bell like this one. Please join the family of temple builders and give generously today!

Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

A very peaceful day at the Spiritual Park. The Belut family came from Quatre Bornes to take advantage of the quiet surroundings.

Kaviraj Bhunjun brought his friend Renate who is visiting from Germany.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

From our quiet center in the middle of the Pacific, Gurudeva surveys numerous activities. Highly esteemed world renowned spiritual leader Sadhu Dada Vaswani is in Honolulu and will be coming to visit our small monastery and get to know the monks in a few days. Gurudeva met him at the United Nations in New York. Also negotiations are underway with a local company to have a fork lift stay at the monastery so that we have something to move all the big Iraivan stones around with on a daily basis. We just heard from Bangalore that there was extra space in the containers which allowed all the stones for the first six courses to be included in the coming shipment. In the Ukraine plans are shaping up to print "Merging with Siva " in the Russian language, possibly to be completed by this summer for a book release in Saint Petersburg when Gurudeva goes on the next Innersearch. Contacts are being made with a publisher, Editorial Kier in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to see if we can get them to publish our books in Spanish for distribution in South America. We just printed out the work to date of Shankar in Botswana, Africa who is doing a new translation of the Tirumantiram. Martine Thom dropped by to pick up video footage that just arrived from Singapore to include in the new documentary film she is working on. She has been reviewing all the tapes and says "All the footage is hauntingly beautiful and the interviews were stunning. It's going to make our editors' job really hard to get 52 hours of tape all down to 46 minutes."

These are a just few of the things happening here and around the world.

Title: End of the World; How to be a Saiva Swami?

Category: Hinduism and Tradition

Duration: 2 min., 09 seconds

Date Given: 03/18/2001

Date Posted: March_26_2001

Cybertalk: Nine year old cyberspace cadet Yatrika from Sunnyvale, California wants to know where does everybody go when Siva absorbs the entire universe during the time of Mahapralaya. Gurudeva reassures her that this will not happen soon and explains about Mahapralaya. Another cyber devotee asks how does one become a Saiva Swami. Gurudeva says to become a swami one has to settle all affairs within the world and within himself so that the world renounces him.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_15_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 9
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 35 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Gurudeva: It is a really wonderful book, very inspiring. It tells about life in the ancient days and gives us advice on how we can live it today. We have modeled our monastic living after some of that advice and it has made a very harmonious group. Nobody argues, nobody fights and if any misunderstanding comes up even today, it is settled before bedtime.

Loni: That is a good idea. Well, it reminds me of people, sort of, holding information. I have just met with someone here, who is working with some very valuable information about Kauai. I have spoken with some Kupunas and now they feel it is safe to actually bring the information or the gifts, so to speak, out because the younger generation now speaks the language and will protect and keep it intact. So it does go out, as it is supposed to go out. It is what you are speaking about the 'Lemurian Scrolls'. It is sort of an idea, whose time has come and so to be sharing that. Now, you spoke about channeling and you didn't feel it was channeling. How do you receive most of your information?

Gurudeva: Well, this particular experience was reading from the akasa. Actually seeing through the third eye, just like looking at a TV set. So, I wouldn't call that channeling. We call that reading the akasa. There are other forms of channeling, of listening to people speak in the other world. Then of course, there is walk-ins and walk-outs and all of that. But this is very specialized. It happened and when it was finished, it never happened again. So these things come to you. It is not like you can turn them on and off. It is for a certain purpose. It is like, the people in the other side in the other world now want to communicate. So, they open the door and when they are finishing, they close the door.

Loni: Now, you also had visions before you came. You knew that this is where you were going to be establishing your headquarters, so to speak, your monastery and temple. You received that clairaudiently and clarivoyantly, as far as that information?

Gurudeva: The vision about the temple came in an early morning dream. The difference between a dream and vision is, you forget your dream but a vision is even stronger in your mind years later, than even it was at first.

Loni: So you receive a vision, you can receive it in a dream state or is it in a conscious state?

Gurudeva: It is in a half-way state and it only happens early morning. just as you are coming back into your body.

Loni: A lot of people would say it is intuition. Is there a difference there?

Gurudeva: Intuition is your own superconsciousness and everybody has that. You know, you get a flash, an idea. That is your intuition.

Loni: So, receiving a vision, there is a differentiation.

Gurudeva: That is different. That is also if the people in the inner world want to give you a message, either verbal message or a visual message. They open the door, you get it. That is not like an off-and-on switch that you can work yourself.
transcription ends

Meanwhile we have an increasing guest flow... Today members of the seniors' "Association of Former Government Employees" came for a visit. We were expecting about 40 people but about 70 showed up.

Meanwhile one of our favorite Ammas, Mrs. Manonmany Sangarapillai, brought her whole family to visit. Amma is originally from Sri Lanka and a devotee of Yogaswami. Here Sivakatirswami shows them this daily web page.

On the right in the photo, next to Acharya Ceyonswami who visited the family in Chicago a year ago, is Pravin. He's only 16 but a very tall young man with plans to be a world class golfer. Next to Pravin is his dad, Dr. S. Asokan.

On the left is: Mrs. Mali Asokan, Mrs. Manonmany Sangarapillai, and Anjali Asokan. The whole family are big supporters of the Iraivan Temple project. Please join them in our world family of participants on the monumental Iraivan Temple Project.

Here is Lord Ganesha on the west outside wall of the Kadavul Siva temple that is in the center of the monastary administrative complex. It is traditional to keep shrines on the outside walls of temples. Sometimes people may not feel pure enough to enter the main temple, not having bathed or only having a minute to worship. So they can stop by the outer shrines for darshan of the Gods.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

It is Ougadi. A national holiday in honor of the New Year's day of the Telegu speaking people . The Mauritius Andra Maha Sabha celebrated the holiday with a gala cultural program this year at the one-year-old Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture in Phoenix. (The center was a gift to Mauritius from the Indian Government.)

Many people took advantage of the holiday to visit the spiritual park today. Here's the Youth Wing of the Sai Baba Center of Le Hochet, Terre Rouge singing for Ganesha.

The Sai group traditionally wears white. A very nice level of elegance can be seen among the group here.

Mr Beehary brought his family. He bought 'Dancing with Siva' and donated a bilva tree for planting in the Spiritual Park.

This photo could maybe someday soon be taken in Mauritius. However this picture shows Gurudeva with some of the Hindus of Martinique during the Caribbean Innersearch cruise that took place in March last year. Sulochana Maniry (standing to Gurudeva's left) performed some Indian dances and her entire group sang some spirited bhajan for Gurudeva and the innersearchers that were travelling with him. Events such as this add magic moments to the Innersearch experience. You can be sure that the upcoming August cruise will also include gems of culture and the warm hospitality of the Hindu people living in Scandinavia. You can be a part of it! See below and sign up for the cruise right now.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

A beautiful Sun One homa brought a confluence of international pilgrims. Mr. Haridoss, originally from Tamil Nadu, a retired gem merchant who spent 30 years in Thailand, came to Kauai with his Thai wife for a vacation. While on the island they met a Thai man from Texas and invited him to join them this morning for the Sun One Homa. Here Natyam Tyaganatha performs the final arati with Gurudeva watching from his seat.

Title: Performance of Japa; Pranayama

Category: Meditation and Yoga

Duration: 2 min., 40 seconds

Date Given: 02/25/01

Date Posted: March_25_2001

Cybertalk: A cyberspace devotee in Singapore wants to know why the middle finger is used to move the beads when performing japa. Gurudeva says that the index finger is not used because if it was it would gain a lot of energy and if ever it was pointed at someone it could injure them in some way. Another cyber devotee wants to know if the performance of pranayama can lead to samadhi. Gurudeva says that pranayama harmonizes the masculine and feminine energies, tunes up the physical and astral bodies and sets the foundation for meditation.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_14_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 8
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 29 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Loni: Welcome back to 'In Spirit'. We are in conversation with Gurudeva and he is a spiritual leader of the Hindu temple. If you haven't been up there, it is just exquisite and beautiful. I understand you need to make an appointment now, because of so many people.

Gurudeva: Actually, we have visiting days that happen periodically. You telephone and the telephone system will tell you when the visiting days are. They are almost every week and 20, 30, 40 people will come. So, a lot of the island people visit us and we are very, very happy about that.

Loni: So, it is some place! I really believe, if you are a tourist out there and you are listening to this program, you should definitely make an appointment to see it. It is just beautiful, with the waterfalls and the rare, indigenous plants that you have up there also.

Gurudeva: Very large collection and we have visitors nearly everyday.

Loni: Well since we are talking about Kauai and plants and things. It comes to mind about Lemuria, as you well know, many believe that this is remnants of the land of Mur, Lemuria. You have a book, a wonderful book out, called the 'Lemurian Scrolls.' Can you speak about that?

Gurudeva: Well, it is a book that I didn't write, I read it. I read it in the akasa. The wonderful, interesting thing happened to me a number of years ago, about 20 years ago. I was at the Coco Palms Hotel at breakfast time. This is when everyone was smoking a lot, so you would see clouds of smoke around a table. One day I saw a big cloud of smoke and I saw a man there, in the smoke. My third eye opened and he had a book in his hand. I thought, "What is that?" He opened the book and the words kind-of came out of the smoke into my mind and I asked someone, "Write this down, really fast." So next time, I went back to see if it would happen again and it did. That went on for months and months and months and out of it came the 'Lemurian Scrolls', from this akasic library. It wasn't really channeling, as people do channel today. It was reading the akasa, reading a book in the akasa. It was a book - actually from several books - about how people lived in those days, what they did, how they thought, why they came to the planet. It was so fantastic that we didn't let anybody read it. We just put it away and the monks in the monastery would read it occasionally. But, last year we got the impulse, that it should go out to the public. So, we had historians and scholars review the book and make their comments about it. We were really amazed at what they said, about the time sequences and about the content and so forth. We have about ten, twenty scholars and historians with their pictures and their comments, right in the first part of the book, which is very, very interesting. So, it is a book that I read, I did not write.
transcription ends

Paramacharya Bodhinathaswami makes the "purnahuti" offering into the homa fire.

Mrs. Haridoss (middle) also came to worship. On the right in the photo is Amala Nagappan with her baby, Yajatadeva, who was born in Malaysia.

Ishani Alahan and Mrs. Haridoss perform the Arati as everyone sings the Arati song.

It was a brilliant morning as the sun rises earlier now that spring has arrived. Everyone sings:

"Joy and peace and love
Shine them brightly in our hearts
Swami shine them brightly in our hearts
Shiva when we think of you
Shiva when we think of you
Shed karuna (compassion) on us all
Om Jai Jagdisha Hare..."

"You're our Mother and Father
Who else can we turn to for help
Swami who else can we turn to for help
We can be with no one but you
We can be with no one but you
You're the shakti of our lives
Om Jai Jagdisha Hare"

Some of the monks meet with one of the participants of the coming Innersearch to Europe. Deva Magdalena, from Honolulu, was born in Hungary and moved to Austria and other European countries and later came to Canada for 20 years and has been living in Hawaii for 30 years. A health care practitioner, Deva has spent about 3 years in India going there for short periods over the years. Lately she has been an avid reader of Gurudeva's books.

Today we experienced one of those incredibly brilliant, clear days when the Waialeale mountain range shines forth in all its majesty.

We continue now with Yogaswami's famous song:

San Marga IX.

Oh Man! Thou art Truth! Thou art Goodness! Can aught harm thee? Thou art omnipresent! In Eternity art Thou. As the lion roams about the forest with mighty mane, so regally do thou too move in the domain of the world. Under no circumstance should you falter. There is nothing unique in this world. Truth abides in All. Goodwill prevails everywhere. Oh Man! Seek not to assert authority over anyone or anything in this world. Always be a witness. Nobility is your heritage. It cannot be inherited by any stratagem. That art. It is so. All else is a mirage. Thou art neither ignorance nor knowledge. Thou art Paramatma. Aum Tat Sat Aum. Oh Man! Practice patience. It is the key to know Thyself. Grieve not! Joy and sorrow are part of the phenomena of the world Thou art Conciousness pure. Nothing need overpower you. Be vigilant and ever wakeful. Use the key of Siva-Dhyanam to open the avenue to everlasting Mukti, the beatific state of liberation. Thereafter everything will be revealed to you.
Aum Santi, Santi, Santi.

Oh Friend! Who has the perogative to declare thee as a sinner? Art thou not a facet of Siva? Has thou forgotten it? Repeat ceaselessly, Aum Tat Sat and surrender yourself fully at His Feet. Do not neglect meditation on Siva. Ultimately all will be well. Free thyself from the bonds of effort and effortlessness. Of what use is a multitude of words? A rich harvest can result only out of a fruitful soil. Fear not. We are the bondsmen of Siva, Even as Siva is immortal, so too are We. Heat and cold, joy and sorrow, youth and age are but the concomitants of nature. Why need we be afflicted by the reactions of our deeds? Let the tide of cause and effect rise and ebb in the natural process. Remember that we are eternal. We are imperishable. Truth cannot be negated. What is not cannot be equated with what is. There is naught but felicity for us who bide by Siva's Will. When we have surrendered everything at Siva's Feet, we can never suffer from want or greed. We are the multi-colored gems strung to the cord of Siva. The cord shall never be reft asunder, nor shall we suffer any separation. Why expound futher? Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

One of the wonderments of the San Marga Iraivan Temple will be musical pillars like this one, the likes of which have not been carved in India for centuries.

Carved out of a single column of granite, each internal column when tapped makes a perfect tone. Together they cover one whole octave and are used by musicians in the temple to tune their instruments.

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

The Hirasingh family from Holland (left) rendezvous with their friends from India at the Spiritual Park.

The Comaren and Goinden families singing Tamil hymns in praise of Ganesha.

The Comarens of Rose Hill bring their relatives for Ganesha's blessings on the eve their departure. The Goindens pray for a smooth and safe flight back to their home in London, which is ten hours (across three time zones) to the northwest.

Cousins Sandeep and Sachin and moms Leela Bhandari and Anita Cheetamun. Sandeep's taking a break from his university studies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and visiting his family in Mauritius.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

Today was a significant one for Gurudeva and his book team. 'Living with Siva' galleys were produced and placed into binders. These will be read in the temple by the monks and also sent to Malaysia where 100 copies will be created to send out to Tamil elders and experts for review, comments and endorsements. Once these are received and the final proof reading is done, the book will go to the press. There is still the tedious work to create the "back matter" which includes the index, glossary and all the other parts that make for a professional book.

Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 14

Category: The Guru

Duration: 2 min., 14 seconds

Date Given:

Date Posted: March_22_2001

Cybertalk: This is a radio interview conducted by Loni Petranek with Gurudeva. The interview gives an overview of Gurudeva's worldwide mission. In the fourteenth and final part today Loni and Gurudeva end the show by finishing up their discussion on women's rights.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_13_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 7
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 47 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Loni: Now you also are situated in a very sacred area for Hawaiians and that is the Wailua.

Gurudeva: It is the 'Pihana-kalani' area and that means, 'Where Heaven touches the Earth'. There has been a temple there, for a couple of thousand years. The hereditary priestess lives on Oahu and her great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather established the six temples going right up the mountain to number seven, at the top of Waialeale.

Loni: And you are situated in?

Gurudeva: Temple number five.

Loni: Temple number five. That is very apropos, if you look at the chakras.

Gurudeva: If you look at the chakras, it is the communication chakra. So, when we are doing books and magazines and CDs and videos, we do communicate. Everybody at the monastery has a computer and an e-mail. We get hundreds of e-mails everyday. In fact, they are forwarded on to families of our Church on the mainland, who also answer them. Questions all the time. We have a beautiful internet site, one of the largest ones in Hawaii. So, we manage to keep busy.

Loni: I think it is really wonderful. Barbara Marx Hubbard, who came with the 'Women of Vision and Action' conference is a futurist.

Gurudeva: I am waiting for the men of vision and action too, to come up one day. They haven't arrived yet.

Loni: And we will have you as a futurist, then!

Gurudeva: Okay!

Loni: But she mentioned when she came here, how in this day and age, with communications as it is in technology, it really represents the nervous system of the planet. That is quite profound if you look at it that way, that you can move right through the body of the planet with this capability to affect and to communicate with everyone.

Gurudeva: Definitely.

Loni: Now, this magazine 'Hinduism Today' goes out to many, many people around the world.

Gurudeva: It goes out to many countries. It is a leadership magazine too, because Hindu leaders in many small countries use it on the radio and on television, in their lectures in the temples. So we work very hard to put it out every month. We have a staff of permanent writers and also part-time writers, over one hundred and fifty working with us in major countries, that Hindus are living in. But there is something in it for everybody. It is not only preaching Hinduism. In fact, it really doesn't preach Hinduism. It gives a broad perspective of what one-sixth of humanity is doing. Over a billion people live this faith.

Loni: It is translated in different languages?

Gurudeva: Actually, it is not translated unless somebody would get on the radio and translate it, being inspired. It is only in English.

Loni: Well, I am going to take a music break and when we come back, I would like to speak about the 'Lemurian Scrolls.' That particularly intrigues me.

Gurudeva: Okay.

Loni: We are in conversation with Gurudeva and he is a spiritual leader of the Hindu temple. Actually Gurudeva, the temple has a name?

Gurudeva: It is called the 'San Marga Iraivan Temple'.

Loni: Okay, I wanted to be sure that I put that out. And, we will be back after this music break.
transcription ends

Darshani Sukumaran and her husband Vignesh and baby girl Abhirami have spent several days here at the Aadheenam, talking with the monks and Gurudeva. The couple has been studying Gurudeva's teachings for several years and are very active in the new Ganesha temple society in Arizona.

Today was very special. They both took their three vratas:

1. The vow to tithe ten percent of their income.
2. The vow to be pure vegetarians
3. The vow of committment to Gurudeva's spiritual lineage, the Kailasa Parampara of the Nandinatha Sampradaya.

In our Himalayan Academy study program, this makes them both "Vidyarthi" students.

Vignesh Sukumaran told us a wonderful true story today. His grandfather was a hunter in the Tanjavore district of Tamil Nadu. One day he was out hunting birds and a sadhu passed by and asked him "What are you doing?" and Vignesh's great grandfather sat and listened to the sadhu for several hours. After that he stopped hunting, became a complete vegetarian and a Siva bhakta and started going around to all the Saivite temples in the area; one of these was particularly important to him and this was the Abhirami Goddess temple. So when he and Darshani had their first baby girl, they named her "Abhirami" after the goddess at that temple.

Darshani Sukumaran runs an active web site for young couples who are "half Asian, half American" and used to be a journalist. After having her baby she did the wise thing and stopped work to become a full-time mom and is now very happy. Congratulations to Darshani and what a lucky baby not to be sent off to day-care centers! She and her husband were featured in the January 2000 issue of Hinduism Today where you can read her wonderful testimony about meeting her husband and going to India.

Little Abhirami has a great big head, a sign of healthy development for a little baby (the brain is developing rapidly). Such a lucky child who has joined the "cross national" generation of those who will look beyond the bounds of ethnic background and skin color. And what a great karma for her to come to Kauai Aadheenam at such a young age!

Another happy couple came to visit us today, the Kolb family from Colorado.

The picture here shows Gurudeva conducting his daily class every morning in our very own private room onboard the MS Volendam during the 2000 Caribbean Innersearch. Here he is teaching Manipuri dancing by first getting the Innersearchers to feel the energy within their fingers. In his classes we also have the rare privilege of learning Gurudeva's own mystical language of meditation called Shum which maps in remarkable detail the landscape of inner consciousness. Visit www.innersearch.org to find out about this year's voyage to enchanting Europe and Russia.

Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

We are running our "mini-series" today on the "big rock."

Sadhaka Adinatha who knows the history here sends us this fascinating testimonial:

"This is actually a very special shot of the stone that was quarried for the capstone on the vimanam right after it had been broken loose from the surrounding stone.

Normally when they break a stone loose it will break at odd angles and be very irregular, but this particular stone was very unusual and broke into almost a perfect rectangle on all faces with no irregular angles. Right after this photo was taken they splashed water over the stone to make any defects or veins in the rock more visible, and there were none. It was really a fine piece of stone.

Here is the stone after being partially carved at the worksite. Sadhaka Adinatha continues:

"There is no road into this part of the quarry, and they had to break out many, many tons of stone just to get a lorry close enough to load the stone, and even then it was too heavy for the lorry, so they had to round off all the corners and hollow out the center before they could even move it."

And here is the final stone on Kauai, where it is on display. This is a Hindu couple from Georgia.

Another picture of Ketu, one of the Deities for the Navagraha pavillion in Kauai. Ketu is said to be an astral planet and in Vedic Astrology the ruler of moksha (liberation), internalized energy and past life karma. Ketu is astronomically the point where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic as it is moving into the southern hemisphere.

This is "Rahu", also an astral planet, and in Vedic Astrology rules dharma and energy directed outward to the world. Rahu is astronomically the point where the orbit of the moon intersects with the ecliptic as it is moving into the northern hemisphere.

These are two deities that are still open for sponsorship. Also available are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon) and Budha (Mercury). Email Acharya Ceyonswami for details

Indian Ocean Monastery
Gurudeva's other monastery in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

Mr. Mougam Chetty and Mrs. Z. Suhootoorah of the Agricultural Department came
today to give us a seminar on the pruning of citrus and lichee trees.

Rajesh Boodhoo, (standing center) an orchardist from Brisee Verdiere, and a
several other people joined the sadhaka for the seminar.

Mrs. Z. Suhootoorah instructs Siven Veerasamy on how to remove certain
branches for maximum fruit production.

This is Mr. and Mrs. Ramrattansing (originally from Suriname) on holiday from Den Haag, Netherlands. Just by coincidence they met one of Gurudeva's devotees
in a little shop in Grand Baie. He's brought them here today.

They are long-time readers of the former Dutch edition of Hinduism Today
that was so lovingly translated and printed for several years by the Soven &
Amritha Sivanand family.

Hooray! A large shipment of 'Positive Discipline' books has arrived from the
USA. Here they are being blessed in the monastery shrine room. From
Ganesha's feet they will spread throughout the entire country of Mauritius.
The methods and ideas contained in these books will definitely bring joy
back into the homes and classrooms of those parents and teachers who buy
them and apply the teachings in their own personal life situations.

There are now three 'Positive Discipline' seminars being conducted for parents
in Mauritius: one in Chemin Grenier, one in Goodlands and one in Grand Baie.
We hope that classes will soon be started in the more populous central
section of the island.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


Blog Archives

Gurudeva meets today one of the fathers of the monks who came for a visit from Canada to see his son in the monastery. Mr. Luke Batdorf and his wife Teresa join the publications team at their morning staff meeting.

Title: A Radio Interview by Loni Petranek and Gurudeva

Category: The Guru

Duration: 3 min., 13 seconds

Date Given: August, 2000

Date Posted: March_21_2001

Cybertalk: This is a radio interview conducted by Loni Petranek with Gurudeva. The interview gives an overview of Gurudeva's worldwide mission. In the thirteenth part today Loni asks Gurudeva about the completion date of the San Marga Iraivan Temple and if the temple will be open to the public.

Cybertalk Ends"
For more information about listening to Gurudeva's talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

Gurudeva will be happy to hold "Prasnottara Satsang" -- "Questions and Answers" over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sivadevanathaswami

Click here if you have a question

Gurudeva answers questions from CyberCadets, and welcomes your spiritual queries. However, he responds only to matters of general interest and not to personal or intimate matters.

transcription begins

Date: March_13_2001
Title: Gurudeva Interviewed by Loni Petranek Part 7
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 47 seconds
Date Given: August 20, 2000

Loni: Now you also are situated in a very sacred area for Hawaiians and that is the Wailua.

Gurudeva: It is the 'Pihana-kalani' area and that means, 'Where Heaven touches the Earth'. There has been a temple there, for a couple of thousand years. The hereditary priestess lives on Oahu and her great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather established the six temples going right up the mountain to number seven, at the top of Waialeale.

Loni: And you are situated in?

Gurudeva: Temple number five.

Loni: Temple number five. That is very apropos, if you look at the chakras.

Gurudeva: If you look at the chakras, it is the communication chakra. So, when we are doing books and magazines and CDs and videos, we do communicate. Everybody at the monastery has a computer and an e-mail. We get hundreds of e-mails everyday. In fact, they are forwarded on to families of our Church on the mainland, who also answer them. Questions all the time. We have a beautiful internet site, one of the largest ones in Hawaii. So, we manage to keep busy.

Loni: I think it is really wonderful. Barbara Marx Hubbard, who came with the 'Women of Vision and Action' conference is a futurist.

Gurudeva: I am waiting for the men of vision and action too, to come up one day. They haven't arrived yet.

Loni: And we will have you as a futurist, then!

Gurudeva: Okay!

Loni: But she mentioned when she came here, how in this day and age, with communications as it is in technology, it really represents the nervous system of the planet. That is quite profound if you look at it that way, that you can move right through the body of the planet with this capability to affect and to communicate with everyone.

Gurudeva: Definitely.

Loni: Now, this magazine 'Hinduism Today' goes out to many, many people around the world.

Gurudeva: It goes out to many countries. It is a leadership magazine too, because Hindu leaders in many small countries use it on the radio and on television, in their lectures in the temples. So we work very hard to put it out every month. We have a staff of permanent writers and also part-time writers, over one hundred and fifty working with us in major countries, that Hindus are living in. But there is something in it for everybody. It is not only preaching Hinduism. In fact, it really doesn't preach Hinduism. It gives a broad perspective of what one-sixth of humanity is doing. Over a billion people live this faith.

Loni: It is translated in different languages?

Gurudeva: Actually, it is not translated unless somebody would get on the radio and translate it, being inspired. It is only in English.

Loni: Well, I am going to take a music break and when we come back, I would like to speak about the 'Lemurian Scrolls.' That particularly intrigues me.

Gurudeva: Okay.

Loni: We are in conversation with Gurudeva and he is a spiritual leader of the Hindu temple. Actually Gurudeva, the temple has a name?

Gurudeva: It is called the 'San Marga Iraivan Temple'.

Loni: Okay, I wanted to be sure that I put that out. And, we will be back after this music break.
transcription ends

The monastery hosted 70 plus Rotarians from the Poipu South Shore Rotarian Society . They came early and enjoyed a specially prepared traditional style Sri Lankan breakfast. Chick peas with dosai, coconut chutney, kesari and sweet rice. Many remarked how impressed they were to get such a wonderful and tasty home cooked meal.

The group represents some of the most prominent business people on the island of Kauai and have hosted Gurudeva and the monks to speak to them on several occasions.

The monastery reciprocated today with this breakfast and a tour of the property.

Sadhaka Thondunatha gave everyone a thorough description of our Iraivan temple building project.

As always, they all stood in awe at the beauty of our location and the view of Mount Waialeale. Today was a perfectly clear day and the colors were brilliant. Can you see the wonder of God in their faces?

Sadhaka Thondunatha points out the foundation of the new temple which can now easily be seen at a distance by the red and white cloth that is draped completely around both sides of its 117 foot length.

After this we took our walking tour out to the flag pole and the overlook to the river.

The group joined us in the publications building to learn about the other side of our "operation." The Rotarians on the island know us by our community work on Kauai. Here they get a vision of our international educational and publications distribution.

Martine Thom came this morning with her two-man crew: Zack Green, our sound man, in the foreground, and Zachary Williams, the camera man, on the left.

Zachary Williams said this morning that "I have done six documentaries so far. I think this will have to be my last because I don't know if I can find a better subject. I guess I just will have to move on to films!"

Martine and her crew were beautifully sensitive to the monastery routine and we hardly felt their presence among us. They worked hard, 14 hours a day for about 2 weeks. Now they go home with 53 hours of footage to put together a final documentary.

We told Zachary: "We hope this piece will launch you into a successful film career." He said, "I also hope the film will do a lot to promote Hinduism and your work. Frankly I am not that religious a person, but after being with all of you I have really learned something. It was really wonderful."

Our 11-acre village in India is home to 75 Indian master craftsmen who live there and work each day on the carving of the sacred white granite Siva Temple which will soon be shipped soon to Kauai and assembled. See our latest February 2001 Building Fund Progress Report and join our family of contributors today!

Yesterday you saw the giant stone that was extracted from the quarry. Today you see that same stone. This is the "Vimanam" or capstone of the temple. Tomorrow we will show you the finished piece and a special story of all three images.

12 Glorious Days, 8 Enchanting Countries
and One Chance in a Lifetime!

Imagine spending 12 days with one of the greatest spiritual leaders of this century. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami will be leading this exotic educational and spiritual voyage himself combining the mystical path of Indian spirituality with a superlative retreat from it all. Take advantage of this one chance to be in close proximity with a living master. Come with us on an inner and outer voyage to Northern Europe and Russia.


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