
How Can I Help?


Many have asked how they can support the monks. If you have a clear idea of what you want to support then you can click here to go directly to our secure donation form now and choose to feed the monks, help with our garden or enter your intention for your gift if you have something specific in mind. If you want more detail on various options, then read below.

If you want to give a donation directly to Bodhinatha for him to use at his discretion or donate to the temple, see below. You gift will encourage the many projects Gurudeva has set in motion and which Bodhinatha is carrying forward. Or to simply do something for the monks in appreciation of their work. This page is a response to all the good souls who wish to help. We know each of you is inspired by different things, so we will work to keep a broad spectrum of the needs (or wants) on this page, from high-tech stuff to warm socks for the monks, from small items to serious improvements that we could not otherwise afford to implement. Please feel free to sponsor part of a project, even if you feel you cannot sponsor the whole thing. Every dollar counts!

If you are interested in sponsoring a project or need that is not listed below, please send an e-mail to


Summary: This is our most important project: fulfillment of Gurudeva’s The fulfillment of Gurudeva’s grand vision to fully endow Iraivan Temple far into the future. To support the priests, festival and puja expenses, landscaping, infrastructure maintenance, utilities and more will require an endowment of $25 million. We now have $10 million, so need to grow the fund by another $15 million. Ambitious, but possible. This will be an historic gift to future generations of Hindus around the world. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate today! Click to help support one of the most remarkable temples in the world.

Contribute to the “Thank You Bodhinatha” Fund

Summary: If you have been inspired by Bodhinatha’s life work, grateful for his influence in your life, appreciative of the gifts that he has given us all, you may honor your sentiment with a donation to the Thank You Bodhinatha Fund. This fund is used for promoting Bodhinatha’s teachings around the world and the travel of Bodhinatha to spread the great truths of Hindu dharma. The fund is maintained as a permanent trust within the Hindu Heritage Endowment so your donation will grow and build through the years. Click to go to the HHE secure donation page.

Donate to Hinduism Today Magazine

Summary: Hinduism Today Magazine is a nonprofit educational activity of Himalayan Academy with the following purposes: 1. To foster Hindu solidarity as a unity in diversity among all sects and lineages; 2. To inform and inspire Hindus worldwide and people interested in Hinduism; 3. To dispel myths, illusions and misinformation about Hinduism; 4. To protect, preserve and promote the sacred Vedas and the Hindu religion; 5. To nurture and monitor the ongoing spiritual Hindu renaissance; 6. To publish a resource for Hindu leaders and educators who promote Sanatana Dharma. Click to go to the Hinduism Today secure donation page.

Feed the Monks

It is traditionally auspicious to feed the monks. The preferred way that devotees accomplish this is to make a cash donation to the monastery. The donation will be used to order a restaurant take out meal, to shop for some fancier than normal items from the supermarket to add to our normal lunch and dinner menus or, for donations with no day specified, help with the expense of our normal daily meals. If you have indicated a specific day for the meal, your sponsored meal will take place as close to that day as fits into the monastery activity and cooking schedules. When making arrangements with the monastery, it is helpful to say, “Please use this donation to sponsor a meal for all the monks.” Cost: Restaurants charge about $450 including delivery on this all-too-expensive island to feed all of us. You can make your donation online. Click here to go to a secure donation form.

Keeping Siva’s Sacred Gardens Beautiful

As the sacred gardens were developed over the decades, not much thought was given to how they would be maintained. But now they have become extensive and mature, making maintenance a must. If you are inspired by the gardens, their beauty and healing presence around Iraivan Temple, you can sponsor them for a week, a month or a year. A week of landscape help costs $500. You can make your donation online. Click here to go to a secure donation form.

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